Different Q to prevent 0-59. Turns out it was just a #GDTBATH

Temps of 20F, 15 PAX were early and ready to go. Mumblechatter of running vs standing around was way better.
Mosey through Pickup Lanes x2
  • Regular
  • High knees
  • Butt Kickers
  • Toy Soldiers
COP at Basketball Court
  • SSH
  • Windmill
  • Moroccan Nightclub
  • Peter Parker –> Jekyll was quick to call YHC’s exercise as Mountain Climbers, so Jekyll gave a demo of a real Peter Parker (legs wide) and everyone was enlightened
  • Parker Peter
YHC is a Clemson fan, and the goal was to do something different today so that Clemson did not go 0-59 (Spoiler Alert) when playing basketball at UNC. So we did some basketball themed work
  • Baseline
    • Side shuffles “Defense” (reverse, back up)
  • Circle up
    • Wojo – slap ground, clap – 4count x15
    • Plank + Merkin Wave 2count – x2
    • Squat – basketball ball hot potato in circle
  • Curb
    • Toe-taps – 4count x30
    • Dips x30 OYO –> The name “Herb Sendek” was mentioned to Maximus by YHC during this exercise. We kept that between us.
  • Baseline
    • Ball roll backwards (pretend 1 hand on ball, 1 hand in air) in a defensive position – 4-counts to switch position
    • Suicide
  • Knock-out
    • PAX wearing gloves shooting on 10ft goals wasn’t awesome. But we Played knock-out for about 5min and PAX did SSH-like exercises while they waited, or if they were knocked out
  • 4-Corners – showing respect to Dean Smith, totally 58
    • 10 Burpees
    • 10 Merkins
    • 20 Mountain Climbers
    • 18 LBCs
Over the wall
  • Burpee from 1 up to 5 count
    • Over-the-Wall
  • Donkey Kicks, 1 each time
Mary – people’s choice
  • Nomad – American Hammers
  • Flattire, Jekyll, MacGyver, Maximus – I forgot what they called 🙁
  • Cooter – LBCs
  • Router – Boxcutters
  • Fishsticks – Superman + Parachute
  • Prayers
    • Nomad – Father’s, to be better ones, for youth group that doesn’t have them, and to make sure we are following our heavenly one
    • Maximus – Fathering daughter’s
    • Router – teaching son how to be a man, and girls for the type of man they should find
    • Maxims – In Memory, Gremlin in Mint Hill
    • Jekyll – for us to be able to receive love.
It was a fun Q. It didn’t end Clemson basketball streak of losing at UNC, but it still has me sore as I finish this backlist within 48hr of completing the Q, so thats good?
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Let’s Get Physical!

11 Strong for a Jane Fonda inspired warm-up with Gecko to start things off along with a short mosey up the road and back we did some leg movements that may or may not be PG13!! We even had some karaoke and music provided by the PAX.

After a nice warm-up Gecko took us to the “Hill” for some hill repeats

1st round was plank at the bottom while  partner one runs to the top and back

Round 2 was Carolina drydocks while the other ran

Can’t remember if we made it to round 3 but I do remember being handed over the Q

So we mosied over to the wall to do some dips and derkins

1st round was 30 dips and 20 derkins

2nd round was 25 dips and 15 derkins

3rd round 20 dips and 10 derkins

10 count between rounds

mosied over to the field and kept our partners for a 4 corner burpee fest!

1st partner stays back and does LBC’s while partner one runs to the next corner and does 5 burpees (Flapjack) comeback and pick your partner up to go to the next corner

Partner staying back does SSH while the other partner runs to the next corner and does 10 burpees (Flapjack)

1st partner stays back and does LBC’s while partner one runs to the next corner and does 15 burpees (Flapjack) comeback and pick your partner up to go to the next corner

1st partner stays back and does Squats while partner one runs to the next corner and does 20 burpees (Flapjack) comeback and pick your partner up to go to the next corner

After the last round we mosied to the parking lot to do some flutters while the other partner runs across the parking lot and back (flapjack) Repeat 6 times

Finished up with a little AB Lab

Fun times!

Thanks Italian Job for coming across the river and enjoying Alcatraz for the first time! Glad to have you!

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2017 Clave Boss 5k/10k & Christmas Convergence

Here we are as in olden days
Happy golden days of yore
Faithful friends who are dear to us
Gather near to us once more——Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas!!

The largest turn out by far for the Clave Boss 5k/10k was a success. We started on time and as far as I know nobody died. Thank you to all the PAX that ran and had a fun time and fellowship.

For the 5k, here were are winners of Bundt Cakes

  1. MacGyver
  2. Harry Carry

For the 10k, here were are winners of Bundt Cakes

  1. Sir Topham Hat
  2. mix of PAX coming from all directions—no idea

For the Ruck, here were are winners of Bundt Cakes

  1. Dark Helmet for 11min pace 5k ruck…..nice work!

Honorable Mention for Anchorman completing the 5k and Barry Manilow being his wingman!

The Convergence kicked off on time and we had Gecko open us up in prayer. We split the groups up and away we went with COT at 0750. Click on links to see the pain that was delivered…..Merry Christmas!

Black Diamond – Longshanks Q – https://t.co/odVJHWCBPS

Bootcamp – Cha Ching Q – https://f3thefort.com/2017/12/23/christmas-convergence-boot-camp-mixed-w-some-bd/

Noderate – Barry Manilow Q – https://f3thefort.com/2017/12/23/your-moderate-option-at-the-convergence/

COT came together and we had 83 men attend this year.

Welcome FNG – Lake Effect, who is 41 not the 50 that he just shouted out. Classic!

Many announcements:

  • Thank you Site Qs for all your work, dedication and leadership!
  • Serve Saturdays ….reach out to Deacon, Bolt, NASA for info…..HIMs!!
  • Joe Davis Run Jan 6
  • Friday Convergence with 3rdF post beat down Jan 12
  • Rooster CSAUP Jan 20
  • Yeti – February
  • P200 – March

More than a workout!!


  • Dark Helmet shared his sister is in need of prayer. Please remember DH and his family each day in prayer
  • Family visiting is fun and sometimes no so fun. BE HIMs!!
  • Prayers for all the PAX traveling and for peace this week!


I spoke to the PAX about how 2000 years ago Sky Q sent his son into the world in the form of a baby. When looking for a place to come in from the cold there WAS NO ROOM AT THE INN. I believe we all fall into this trap and put so much busy into our lives that we don’t have ROOM AT THE INN for Sky Q in our lives. We fill our hearts and minds with so much and when it come to his word and being in relationship, we DON”T HAVE ROOM AT THE INN (in our hearts).

I challenge myself and the PAX to make room for SKY Q and see how it changes your life in 2018 and beyond.

Honored to lead this PAX. I am blessed and grateful for each of you!

Cake Boss


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Pantheon: 45min Plank…..can you do it?

It was forecast to be 100% rain at 5am and when I let the K-9 out at 4:40, it was not raining. Thank you Sky Q!! It drizzled on and off but no downpour. I was glad to see 7 PAX arrive so that me and Fish Stix did not push each other to the point of Merlot splash. Was nice to have even number of 8 because I’m a little OCD and like even numbers.

Away we went after the disclaimer and other chatter….

Mosey to back of school and form the letter “L” under the over hang to stay dry…..one time its drizzling

  • 20 SSHs
  • 10 Windmills
  • 20 Squats
  • 10 merkins

Mosey to swings

  • 20 swing crunches
  • 10 Inch Worm Merkins
  • 2 rounds

Mosey to road behind school (rain stopped)

  1. Run 100 yards, do 100 SSHs, Run back and plank for 6
  2. Run 75 yards, do 75 Mtn Climbers, Run back and plank for 6
  3. Run 50 yards, do 50 LBCs, Run back and plank for 6
  4. Run 25 yards, do 25 Merkins, Run back and plank for 6
  5. Run 10 yards, do 10 Burpees, Run back and plank for 6

Mosey to far side of school and form “L” again drizzling again

  • Lazy Dora 1,2,3
    • 100 Merkins – Partner 1 Planks, Partner 2 does 10 reps and switch back and forth
    • 200 LBCs – Partner 1 Planks, Partner 2 does 20 reps and switch back and forth
    • 300 squats – Partner 1 Squat Hold, Partner 2 does 10 reps and switch back and forth

Mosey to front of school find grassy spot

Jack Webb Plank Jacks

  • 1 merkin, 1 plank jack: 4 overhead claps
  • 2 merkins, 2 plank jacks: 8over head claps
  • 3 merkins, 3 plank jacks: 12over head claps
  • 4 merkins, 4 plank jacks: 16over head claps
  • 5 merkins, 5 plank jacks: 20over head claps


We talked about some of out favorite things about Christmas. Some of them were Cards, giving gifts, smiles on kids faces, being with family and my own was the peace and quiet on Christmas Eve was always my favorite…..away from the chaos of life.

We live in scary times; loss of jobs, marriages are tough, kids are angry or depressed, war, terror, fires, hunger, division and illnesses. No different than 2000 years ago in Bethlehem when the king was killing people at will and the roman soldiers were occupying the land and it was intimidating and scary. However they whole point of Jesus coming on Christmas was to remove fear. Believe in him and know the peace he brings and be confident that he has your back and you wipe fear from your future.

Humbled and honored to lead. Thank you Fish Stix!

Cake Boss

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Hey lets Play on the Hill

Warm up AROUND Car lane High Knees, Butt Kickers, Side Shuffles, Toy Soldiers
COP – Windmills, MNC’s, Mountain Climbers, SSH’s (51), maybe some others.

Mosey to the Hill
Stopped for 10 Derkins and 20 Dips on Guard rails

    • Btm – 10 burpees
    • Backward run 1/3 way – 20 Derkins
    • Backward Lunges 1/3 way -20 Decline Carolina Dry Docks
    • Run to top – 20 Dips
    • Jog down – Repeat

Round 2

      • Backward run 1/3 way – 20 Squats
      • Backward Lunges 1/3 way – 20 Monkey Humpers
      • Run to top – 20 bomb jacks
      • Jog down – Repeat

    Jog to bottom, backwards run to topMosey back to School
    Stopped for 10 Derkins and 20 Dips on Guard rails
    Stopped for Squats, Merkins
    Mosey to Pillars – Wall sits with 10 counts
    Abs – LBC’s, Freddy’s, Hello Dollies, Rosalita’s, Protractor

All in all it was a quite morning.  But I’m always humbled by the ability of these men.

Honored for the opportunity.


TClap |


Its Christmas time and the word of the month is giving so I am asking if you would take moments pray about giving to help a fellow pax. Last year Stang got the Fort and the Rock pax to donate gift cards, cash and presents for me and my family.  This was huge for me and my family, with that  being said I feel the need to help a fellow pax and give back. I have been in touch with our pax of the Fort looking for someone to help out. This morning in COT it was mentioned by Destiny that a fellow pax’s son has just been diagnosed with leukemia and his wife is pregnant with twins. Then again Ginsu and Rock thrill had a tweet about it and come to find out it is an Area51  pax named Bout time his sons name is Jennings. This hits close to home and just knew this is who we need to help this year. a few

If I have never had the pleasure of posting with you in the Gloom I would like to take a second and share my story, Dec 2015 on Christmas eve my 2.5 year old daughter was diagnosed with Leukemia ALL Type B, on Christmas day she had surgery to have a port installed and her first 3 rounds of chemo. We spent Christmas in the hospital and I broke down never cried so hard in my life. I reached out to God prayed that everything will be okay and about 10 min later after the took my daughter back for surgery he answered my pray because a peace just came over me and heard the words its going to be okay.  The last 2 years have been a hard 2 years with ups and downs but also have enlightened me, allowed me to get closer to God.  It also allowed me to become apart of F3 with out the men of this group not sure where I would be mentally and physically today. I like to thank you for the push the words of encouragement.


I am asking pax to give what your heart tells you. Prayers gift cards, cash etc. I have seen what awesome pax you can be when challenged to give you all always go above and beyond.

See your site Q’s for collections and or Dark helmet , Stang, Witch hunt, Royale and Cornerstone, we want to wrap it up by 12/22/17


2 Corinthians 9:7

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

Proverbs 18:16

A gift opens the way
and ushers the giver into the presence of the great.

Luke 6:38

Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.


Thanks Again HIMS


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Alcatraz: Special Thx Uncle Sam VQ and Boss of Cake

I can’t even tell you really how many PAX came to Alcatraz for their DRP, because I thought I was a greeter at Walmart with all the men coming and then leaving it was a constant revolving door. Regardless, a majority of men got after it and with Uncle Sam making his VQ, we were all in for a treat. So after an attempt at introductions, disclaimers and usual office work, YHC handed it off to Uncle Sam.

The Thang:


  • Uncle Sam on Q:
We started off jogging to circle up on center field and warmed up the hipsters by shaking some Finkle Swings (5 reps/leg). 14 Moroccan Night Clubs followed up in a weird sequence since the VQ was stumbling into the rhythm.  The 18 Side Straddle Hops helped the inmates @ Alcatraz get the sensation that it was going to be easy but then they had to scrub the floors with some Annies (10 per arm).  24 Imperial Walkers and 24 Hillbillies thrusted them into Q’s arms.
  • Cake Boss on Q:
5 Burpees OYO
Mosey to the Playground for Mini Murph
Each PAX…no partner
1Lap around Park
50 Pullups
100 Merkins
150 Squats
1Lap around Park
Mosey to the Bball Courts count off 1’s and 2’s
1’s suicides
2’s Freddy Murcurys
flap jack
1’s suicides
2’s flutters
flap jack
Mosey to Hill behind Baseball field
Roll the dice of Pain, do the exercise, run the hill
10 Burpees, 10 Lunges, 10 LBCs, 10 Mountain Climbers
Hand off to Uncle Sam 
  • Uncle Sam on Q:
20 Groiners inspired a lot of grumbling  and some started crying “Parking lot!”, but we still had to do 24 LBCs and 8 Starfish Crunches to get our backs wet with the morning dew.  Partnered up we sprinted from base to base in the Baseball field as if we had hit a home run but stopped;ing for some Mountain Climbers at each base.  Inning was over and prisoners got to go back to their POD cell for some announcements, a lot of Turkey talk and a sweaty thanksgiving for all things good that come from SkyQ.
  • YHC spoke to the men about the “Real” things we are thankful about. Yes we all can be thankful for the obvious, but what are the things that when you realize how grateful you are you get emotional and it makes you want to be a better man. We need to focus on those things when life gets tough. When things and expectations are not going our way….and realize….that thing that makes us realize Sky Q loves me and my brothers are standing with me and everything will be fine!
  • Thanksgiving convergence
  • Christmas Party
  • Joe Davis Run
  • The Rooster CSAUP in Rock Hill


Thank you Senator for the opportunity!

Cake Boss & Uncle Sam

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Pantheon-A good decision or not . . . ?

Been sick for four days now and decided to suck it up and lead this morning no matter how I felt. Tough, tough decision. Stupid decision to go out, too, but I couldn’t leave my brothers hangin’ in the (almost) cold. Just didn’t do any fist bumping today or breathing in somebody’s face. Worked on my verbal compliments today and, boy, were there plenty to give with this group of men!  It was a blast as usual when you don’t know what you’re going to get with Straight Up!

Standard Disclosures No FNGs today

Quality over Quantity today

Topic of the Month: Victory

Shared what came to mind for me was:

1 Corinthians 15:57: But thanks be to God! He gives us the VICTORY through our Lord Jesus Christ.


Ran a small lap: doing

High knees

Butt kickers

Bunny hops

Figure 8s

Toy Soliders

Continued with:

12 each person’s name SSHs

12 Ab Vigodas

15 Low slow squats

15 Peter Parkers

12 Merkins

15 Moroccan nightclubs

Rolling Crucifix – 4X each side

Table Twists – 4X each side

The Thang:

Attempted to run individually .65 miles but we cut it short at .35 miles

Moved to the field:

3 Exercises in a row:

1. Twisting Pistons until failure

2. 4 “Mancave move” (name made up by me) while others choose between X-jumps or no arms up burpees or scissor squats. 2 people did the move at a time and then 2 more rotated in. “Mancave move” is a merkin on weights, right row, merkin, left row, left row, merkin, squat press of weights up and control down, then repeat

3. 12 Alternating plank jacks or just plank jacks if you are not coordinated

20 second rest

2 Exercises in a row:

1. The Lazy Dora: Partner up;

One partner planks (Regular plank or back plank if you choose)

Other partner:

60 total Heals to the Heavens (12 each, then rotate with partner)

60 total each side Austin Ass-Kickers (12 each, then rotate with partner)

60 total cross jacks + 60 total plank jacks (12 each, then rotate with partner)

2. Tree hugger (for all of us) for 3 go-rounds: squat position hugging imaginary tree and PAX not hugging sprints around the group and taps shoulder of next person who then sprints, . . . 3X around for each person.

30 second rest

Burst Training:

2 50 yard sprints

Final Exercises:

15 Straight Calf Raises

10 Merkins

10 Squats

15 Outward Calf Raises

10 Merkins

10 Squats

Mosey to parking lot


Announcements/Read your newsletter

Highlighted Praise:

Fish Sticks going to see extended family over the weekend

On the Rocks has read 94% of the Bible. Have you?

Highlighted Prayer Requests: For children in our area suffering from things such as bullying, identity issues, and self-esteem challenges. Our challenge: to encourage these preteens/teens with words of Victory listed above.

Diesel’s father’s next steps in life

Safety for Fish Sticks half marathon

Fish Sticks: thanks for the opportunity to lead some outstanding, hustle-oriented men this morning! It was fun!

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Random Tabata

friday and a great morning, around 50.



Self Hug, left over right, right over left.

Side Straddle Hop

The Twist – in cadence

Moved to tabata

Curls, Tricep extension rotation.

Indian run – last pax runs up front and say their f3 name then something unique about themselves.  FYI airborne average weight of his children at birth is 10.5lbs.

low slow squats in cadence.

bridge raises in cadence

Tabata 2

round robin.  each pax called out their own tabata

Tabata 3

good morning and one leg deadlift.

Stones brings FNG, named as Whitewater



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Build-a-burp Workshop

19 pax made it out to the golden corral for some bootcamp, ruck, and run.  Big showing from lake wylie thanks to Jedi.

A disclaimer was made and the bootcampers mosied around HT for cop.
Morracan Night Clubs x 20
Imperial Walkers x 19
Windmills x 13
Low slow squats x 16
Merkins x 11
LBCs x 15
Parker Peters x 15
(Reps are guestimates… no rhyme or reason to #s)
Bodybuilder burpees x 10 OYO (multiple demos requested, still no consensus on order of plank jack/merkin)
The thang
Mosied over to the fountain for some deconstructed bodybuilder burpees in pairs.
1st pax bear crawled to cone, ran to the hill to circle, and then crab walked back to the start from cone.
2nd pax did x16 of the following followed by LBCs until relieved by 1st pax:
Leg thrusts
Plank Jacks
Leg thrusts
Bodybuilder burpees
(mumblechattter included complaints of lack of visible cones)
Finished just in time and booked it over to HT for COT with a push from Davinci.
Christmas party
Probably missing something…. read your newsletter
Prayers and praises
Sick, injured, and traveling family.
Thanks Decibel for the opportunity
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