Mary Go Round at the Colosseum

Warm up:

20 x -SSH

20 x MNC

15 x Windmill

10 x Merkins



Downward Dog

15 x Mountain Climber

15 x Squats

The Thang:

So after some short sprints and side shuffles through the parking lot, we partnered off.  Then a word on leadership.

Leadership doesnt have to happen alone!  Just like your partner during the workout a partner in life can help you be the leader you are meant to be.

And the Mary-go-round begins…..

Each round consists of doing one exercise followed by a lap around the parking lot.  Since one round of each set of exercises wasnt enough, we decided to rinse and repeat each round.  Between rounds as we waited for the six (usually me) we did wall sits for round 1 followed by planks for round 2.

Round 1:

10 x Freddy Mercury

10 x Rosalita

10 x Protractors

Round 2:

10 x Crab Humpers

10 x Carolina Dry Docks

10 x Flutters

Meet back at COT for announcements, prayers and praises.

Thanks for all the support PAX for my VQ!

A great time was had by all!


-Invergence Friday

-Convergence Saturday

Prayers of PAX:

-Family who lost father due to fire ants

-Missionary family resolving paperwork stateside to return to Asia.



TClap |

5 Year Anniversary Convergence BB

Saturday, September 30th 2017 was a special Convergence for the PAX of The Fort. On that day we celebrated 5 years of using these small workout groups to invigorate male leadership in Fort Mill. To honor the occasion, 88 PAX gathered at one of our favorite AOs (Nations Ford HS) to celebrate the day and the leaders that made it all happen.

We also celebrated 6 Friendly New Guys that joined us that morning. Welcome Tubs, Band Camp, Jughead, Atari, Hat Trick, and Saul.

It wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows, however. Here’s how we got better:

Warmup (led by Ginsu)

  • Mosey to the football field
  • 30 Side Straddle Hops
  • 10, 4-count windmills
  • 30 Moroccan night clubs
  • 10, 4-count merkins
  • 10, 4-count Peter Parkers
  • 10, 4-count Parker Peters
  • 10, 4-count LBCs
  • 20 low slow squats

Split into groups (Run, Regular Bootcamp, Black Diamond, Ruck, Moderate Bootcamp)

Run (led by Birdcage)

  • 800 meter indian run
  • 1000 meter 10k pace with 1 minute rest x2
  • 200 meter 1 mile race pace 200 meter cool down x4
  • 400 meter sprint corners recover straights
  • 1600 meter cool down
  • 5 miles total

Bootcamp (led by Royale)

  • Mosey over to the concrete football field
  • 10 merkins
  • Lunge walk 10 yards then do 3 burpees
  • Next ten yards bear crawl then 3 more burpees
  • Rise and repeat until we hit the other goal line
  • 10 count – going over the Five Core Principals of an F3 workout
  • Next phase we broke into 4 groups
  • At each corner of the end zones there were 5 exercises written on a board.  We would complete in your group and then run to the next corner. Everyone would hit al 4 corners.
    • Corner 1
      • 20 Merkins
      • 30 Lunges
      • 30 Dying Cockroaches
      • 30 Ski Abs
      • 3 Kraken Burpees
    • Corner 2
      • 20 Ranger Merkins
      • 30 Squats
      • 40 Freddy Mercurys
      • 40 Shoulder Taps
      • 10 burpees
    • Corner 3
      • 20 Durkins
      • 20 Jump Squats
      • 50 American Hammers
      • 30 Monkey Humpers
      • 10 Mountain Climber Burpees
    • Corner 4
      • 20 Wide Arm Merkins
      • 20 Sumo Squats
      • 20 V-Up Twists
      • 20 Bombjacks
      • 10 Squat Burpees
We talked about the word of the month – Leadership.  I shared we all have an opportunity to lead through F3, just like we all have the responsibility to lead in our homes.  I know I struggle with the balance of work and family time.  As the leader of our households we need to support our Ms and be the examples to our children.
  • Mosey over to the round about
  • Each man would take a lap around 1st doing Lt Dans
  • Finally we would bear crawl.
  • Mosey to the football field for the last 30 seconds and some LBCs

Black Diamond (led by Backdraft)

  • Mosey from warm up top pull up bars
  • Pull ups/ Burpee challenge – 9 pull ups 1 burpee., 8-2 , 7-3 until finished.
  • Mosey to stadium run the bleachers
  • 10 derkins
  • 10 dips
  • Mosey to track run 1/4 mile as fast as you can. U vs. U
  • Mosey to end zone. Count off by 2s. split into groups first person flips tire 10 times than run end zone to end zone while next person flips tire everyone else continuously do 10 merkins, 10 squats, 10 big boy sit ups. Keep going until all of group is finished.
  • 10 min 100 burpees. Do 10 burpees every minute on the minute. U vs. U
  • Mosey to 50 yard line 5 minute of Mary
  • Sideline sprints x 2 first set after you run 10 tuck jumps. 2nd set 5 hand release merkins

Ruck (led by Trucker)

2 20lb, 3 40lb, and 3 60lb sandbags were snagged from back of car as 8 PAX tucked down to the elementary school and dropped the sandbags next to the telephone poles. The 8 PAX carried the telephone pole around the parking lot. Left telephone pole where we found it and rucked backwards up the hill to the pull up bars. What’s a WO by Trucker without pull ups? YHC challenged the 8 PAX to do 2 sets of 5 pull ups with ruck on.

Rucked into stadium and lined up in 2 columns for sandbag throws from one end of football field to other and back. Then rucked up and down the football stand stairs from one end back. Rinse and repeat with sandbag throws and stadium stairs. Threw sandbags again down to other side of endzone and then formed 2 lines abs flipped tires from one end to other. Sandbag threw back to other endzone and climbed stadium stairs one more time. Finished with a 20 count flutters. Great work by seasoned and rookie ruckers.

Moderate (led by Short Sale)

  • MOSEY to Elementary School
  • Grab some Wall. Wall Sits while Pax at each end jumps out of line for 5 squats
  • Repeat with 5 Bombjacks.
  • Count off by 5’s and mosey to back of the parking lot
    • Number 1’s go to station #1
    • 2’s start at Station3, etc.
  • Stations: 3 minutes/station. Q calls stop & go
    • 1: 10 Merkins, 20 Calf raises
    • 2: 20 LBCs, 20 Monkey Humpers
    • 3: 10 SSHs, 20 Moroccan Night Clubs
    • 4: 10 Scorpion Dry Docks, 20 Squats
    • 5: 20 Imperial Walkers, 10 Apollo Ohnos
    • 6: 10 Broad Jumps, 20 Flutters
    • 7: 10 Bombjacks, 20 squat jabs
    • 8: 10 handclap merkins w/partner, 10 partner Derkins- Beloved by veteran Pax and FNGs alike
    • 9: 10 Jump Squats, 10 CDD’s
    • 10: 10 Dips, 5 jack Webbs
  • Mosey to Stop sign at bottom of hill for some Mary- Hello Dollies, Flutters, Protractor

MESSAGE ON LEADERSHIP- F3 gives us a great platform to grow our leadership skills and build confidence as a leader. The Pax will let you know if/when something has gone wrong but will also be there to lift you up. Also, the best leaders don’t focus on their ROLE, they focus on the GOAL. So, be the leader you were called to be.

Great group of men came to work. Veterans guided the FNGs and encouraged them at every step of the way. YHC kept reminding the group that it is UvsU out here. Some quality mumble chatter about what moderate means. Smiles all around when moved on from the stations.

Wrap Up

What we have at The Fort is special. It is a strong group of PAX led by men who live with intentionality. I am sure that each of us would agree that it has impacted our lives in ways that we will never be able to describe. At some point for each of us, we were gifted F3. We were headlocked by someone who recognized the impact that F3 had on them and how it could help us. With that in mind, let’s pay this gift forward. Be the leader you were called to be and use your influence to headlock the sad clowns around you, FNGs and Kotters, that are where you once were. Be a leader.


TClap |


Alright Pax, get ready for a ride.

It was a great day to Ruck, wait actually everyday is a great day to Ruck.  As we stood around waiting for the 5:15 call I heard Trucker say, “I know this is going to be a heavy one, I don’t see anything but I know he’s hiding them.”  Keep reading if you want to see if he’s right.

As we moved off we split into two groups, a PAX is recovering from an injury and a few went with for a casual RUCK.  6 came with me  and we were on our way.

Before we took off I told them get ready its going to be a strapless start.

Part 1.

Bear Hug your Ruck, and move to the next destination.

Wall sit with Rucks on lap.  Pass Rucks down the line, two burpees and make it down to the end of the line.  Those of you who have done a RUCK with me know I use this as a unofficial weight check.

Overhead carry to next destination.

Exercise – 10 lunges each leg, 10 man makers, 10 ruck swings, 10 bicep curls

Farmer Carry to next destination

Exercise – 8 Lunges each leg, 8 man makers, 8 ruck swings, 8 bicep curls

Table carry (arms bent at 90, on forearms) to next destination

Exercise – 4 lunges each leg, 4 man makers, 4 ruck swings, 4 bicep curls (4 due to time constraints)

Strap privileges back – Double time to next destination

Part 2

Made it to my hiding spot where we got acquainted with a 10 foot cement filled pole, a 4 foot cement filled pole, and a 250 pound tire.

We carried to the next destination as a team and made it to a spot where we did some partner work.

Partner 1 runs – Partner 2 does LBC’s (rucks overhead) then swap

Partner 1 Runs – Partner 2 does Pushups – Rucks on then swap

I saw a wall so of course we did step ups with rucks on, 10 each leg.

Manned up and picked up the heavy items and made our way back to my truck where we finished with some Mary.

The smaller group was great, I focused this Q on event preparation.  If we continue to do the same thing over and over again we are never really growing and preparing for the unexpected.  This months theme is leadership and the best part of this Q was the teamwork involved.  Most of you know I’m a fan of Rucking Heavy so for me we got pretty heavy on Part 2.  It was amazing to see everyone work together and switch shoulders, spots, and look out for one another.  We talked about the importance of finishing as a team and not becoming the grey man, and that we start strong as a team and finish strong as a team.

Such a killer group and was proud to RUCK with them!

TClap |

Colombia Mission Trip Sendoff @ The Ranch 9-7-17

On a cool morning in early September, the men of The Fort gathered together to support the group of 12 men that answered the call to serve those in need in Colombia.

Mosey to the soccer field

The Warm-up (VQ led by Skinny Jeans)

  • 20 4-count side straddle hops 
  • 15 4-count windmills
  • 10 4-count Merkens
  • 15 4-count mountain climbers
  • 20 low slow squats
  • 8 burpees OYO

Mosey to the football field

The Thang

Markers set up every 25 yards on the football field from endzone to endzone. PAX will start from one endzone and run from marker to marker and do the following exercises (below) at each. They will then run on the track back to the starting point.

  • 10 merkins, 2 burpees
  • back to start – LBCs for six
  • 10 Carolina DD, 2 burpees
  • back to start – flutter for six
  • 10 squats, 2 burpees
  • back to start – American Hammer for six
  • 10 bomb jacks, 2 burpees
  • back to start – freddy mercury for six
  • 10 dips, 2 burpees
  • back to start – heels to heaven for six
  • 10 lunges (5 per leg), 2 burpees
  • back to start -diamond LBCs for six
  • 2 burpees per marker

Mosey to COT

Today we focused on the 12 men that are leaving tomorrow to serve in Colombia. We had the privilege of hearing the reasons why each of them have been called to serve during todays workout and then pray over them at the close. We are all lucky to have these men as our brothers and will continue to pray for them as they make their way abroad.

As mentioned in COT, each of us were blessed with passion for certain causes and influence to impact them. Find your passion and your calling and answer that call, whatever it may be.


TClap |

Choose Wisely

I had the pleasure to cross the river and Q #FootLoose this morning. Conditions were okay considering its August in South Carolina – temps in the lower 70s and a light rain. All in, 28 #HIM made the choice to roll out of the fartsack and start their day off on the right foot. Here’s what we did…

The Thang
Short Mosey across the street to the circle in front of the church. Bird Cage reminded me that this area was just as congested as the previous spot, but that didn’t stop us from warming up, shoulder-to shoulder with our brothers.

  • 20 SSHs (IC)
  • 15 Hillbilly Walkers (IC)
  • 30 Moroccan Night Clubs (IC)
  • Mosey to the Church steps
  • Bear Crawl up
  • Crawl Bear down
  • Squats while you wait

Apparently, the steps get slippery when wet. Since I like to keep my teeth, we Omaha’d round two and moseyed to the lot to behind the church.
Circle Up for Choose Your Poison. We took turns rolling dice and choosing exercises. One die was the exercise (see below); the other was the rep count (x10). The roller had to choose which die was for the exercise and which was the rep.
1. Merkins
2. LBCs
3. Squats
4. Side Straddle Hops
5. Overhead Claps
6. Burpees
Luckily we didn’t have two sixes (60 Burpees) rolled, and if we did, the PAX calling the shots wisely modified. Even though this is a moderate workout, we did our share of Burpees (probably 50ish). Overhead Claps and SSHs were popular choices (maybe 200ish). Merkins and LBCs came up a few times (150ish). Squats were tossed a couple times (100ish).

  • Mosey to the wall
  • 15 People’s Chair (IC)
  • 15 One-legged Squats (flapjack)
  • 10 Merkins (IC)
  • Mosey back to COT

I was honored to be asked to Q this morning. TClaps to Anchorman for his dedication to growing #FootLoose and awesome leadership stepping up to take over, Beacon. This AO has tons of options, so reach out to Beacon to get on the Q schedule.
Today’s workout reminds us that every day brings choices. Post or not post? Boxers or briefs? Paper or Plastic? Gossip or Gospel? We have opportunities each day to choose wisely or poorly. Every choice brings consequences. Sometimes you will face a challenge where the choice is hard to make and the outcome is difficult to take, but when you make it through, you will garner something from the experience. When a choice needs to be made, you need to make it. You’re either in or you’re out. Own it.
It’s been said that opportunity knocks, but temptation leans on the doorbell. When there is a knock, open the door and dive in to the challenge at hand. When temptation leans, step back and evaluate the potential outcome. Is it worth it? Opportunity is often missed because it looks like work. Temptation is often chosen because it looks like fun. Realize that every action has a reaction and you have to deal with the consequences of bad choices.
Today, I encourage you to choose positivity. Whatever you want, make the decision and do what it takes to get it. There will be challenges, but the greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it. Sometimes it takes time, but remember, patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.

Italian Job

TClap |

Eclipse at the Colosseum…Rock Hill Rip-off

Leading up to this fine Tuesday at THE COLOSSEUM, there were a few challenges and statements made about who would be willing to come out. Of all the conversations, I’ll give credit to those who showed after being personally invited: Jekyll, Bonsai, Snap Hook, Shady, Sir Topham Hat. The others that didn’t show…well, you’re probably better off not trying to erase a few bad songs from your memory. But for those that did, you’re welcome and I’m sorry (actually, not really).

I wanted to do something a little different from my usual, like pullups at the playground or the deck of cards. So, in search of something creative, I didn’t have to go far. So much can be found if we travel across the river; whether virtually or physically. In this case, Italian Job gave me beat down rights with a slight modification to his Eclipse-Day post and I brought it to the Colosseum.

Once I get to the parking lot, I am immediately met by two better-than-punctual FNG’s that Nomad EH’d. Welcome Rebar and Ham. And oh by the way, we quickly realized these are two of the most fit FNG’s to post at 0515. Side note on Ham, it’s comical when an FNG receives a call sign to which he is clueless on its reference. That’s why we all help to contribute to Wikipedia.

So after a disclaimer that turned into mumbling, we were off to the back parking lot where we circled up for a warm up of:

SSH x 20

Butt Kickers x 35

Merkins x 10

American Hammers x 25

Merkins x 10

Freddy Mercury’s x 20

Merkins x 10

LBC’s x 25

Calf Raises x 50 OYO

This is where the plagiarism came in. We used the same 5 songs Italian Job used which for those who didn’t read that yesterday, went a little something like this:

Song 1: Ain’t No Sunshine: Hold squat position then do a tuck jump when you hear, “Ain’t No Sunshine.”

Then line up on the line and sprint to the light pole and back and get in the circle.

Song 2: Blinded By The Light (Remix): Moroccan Night Clubs then 3 Overhead Claps when you hear, “Blinded By The Light” This got really annoying.

Then line up on the line and sprint to the light pole and back and get in the circle.

Song 3: Black Hole Sun: Hold in the UP dip position then do 1 dip when you hear, “Black Hole Sun”. This got really, really difficult.

Then line up on the line and sprint to the light pole and back and get in the circle.

Song 4: Ring Of Fire: On your back, hold your feet at 6″ and do a Big Boy Situp when you hear, “Ring of Fire.”

Then line up on the line and sprint to the light pole and back and get in the circle.

Song 5: Total Eclipse  Of The Heart: Plank during the song and do 1 Burpee when you hear, “Turn Around” and 1 Merkin when you hear, “Total Eclipse Of the Heart.” This song is way too long.

Then line up on the line and sprint to the light pole and back and get in the circle.

We then ended with 25 American Hammers and 25 Flutter Kicks.

Great job today by everyone putting up with my nonsense.

As You Were.


TClap |

BackBlast 7-25-17: That One Big Thing @ #Colosseum

Humidity was at an all time high in the swamp they call the Colosseum on Tuesday morning. 22 men showed up ready for some action and they got what they came for.

Mosey to the parking lot.


  • 30 Side Straddle Hops
  • 12 Windmills
  • 10 4-count Merkins
  • 10 4-count Mountain Climbers
  • 10 4-count Peter Parkers
  • 20 Moroccan Night Clubs

Mosey to the first light post (you know what’s coming next).

The Thang (Light Post Workout – $1 to Jekyll):

  • 10 LBCs/post
  • Mosey back to start
  • Plank for the six
  • 5 Burpees/post
  • 6 Inches for six at top
  • 20 LBCs in cadence
  • Mosey back to the bottom
  • Plank for the six
  • 10 Diamond Merkins/post
  • 6 Inches for the six
  • 20 4-count Flutter

Mosey back to COT

  • Captain Thors to 5×20


  • New Thursday 3rd F led by ChickenHawk
  • Last QSchool next Tuesday the 1st led by Funhouse & Senator Tressel

Prayer Requests

  • Lutefisk’s Mom
  • Cornerstone’s Daughter
  • Ginsu’s Adoption

Maximus took us out in prayer.


For years, adoption has been something that I’ve thought of doing, but it seemed too big. I have a heart (as most people do) for the less fortunate, especially children, but didn’t think that we could handle bringing home another child to live with us. It was my one big thing that I new I was being called to do, but I couldn’t do it. It was too hard, too much, made me too uncomfortable. Fortunately for me, my M has a bigger heart and far more faith than I do and over a series of months, convinced me that this is what God was leading us to do and that we should trust the He would give us everything we need along the way. Also, fortunately for us, we had others around us (e.g. Maximus & his M) who been through it before and provided all the support and advice we could ever need.

That was my one, big thing. The thing that I knew that God was telling me to do, but I didn’t have the faith or courage to pursue it…until now. I’m still scared of what is around that corner, but I know that God will be with us every step of the way.

What is your one, big thing? That thing that has been tugging at your heart for weeks, months, years, or even decades? For us it was adoption, but for you it may be bigger, require more sacrifice, more faith, and more courage.

I encourage you to pray about it. Trust that God will take you through whatever He is calling you to do. Do that one big thing, whatever it is.


TClap |

Laces In and Laces Out: Back together Again!!

Long time ago… a different AO……Laces Out and Laces In were together. Today we could say that again. Its like meatballs and spaghetti or hot dogs and hamburgers…..its just natural!!

So the Laces out clan arrive at 0500 and take off running to Baxter like the fools they are. Hills and cars and danger Will Robinson!! But they all made it back safely and met us Laces IN  crowd at COT. No water melon ….losers!! haha

Laces In we did a little tour of the High School, with some 4 corners and some other pain stops along the way. There is a ton of potential and no Rosalita calling the 5.0 anymore. If we bother anyone out here, they better join the PAX as they have no other reason to be out there at 0 dark 30.

Great PAX and awesome times. Be sure to post to Laces In/Out and bring an FNG!

Cake Boss Out!


TClap |

Fun filled morning at The Deep

I have to admit I was excited to get the invitation from Royal to come out to the Deep and Q.  This gave me the opportunity to visit another AO and share the Bonsai Tree which deep down all Pax have a love hate relationship when they hear me call that exercise.

So I started out the workout with the typical F3 disclaimer, but really reinforced the part about pay attention to your body because it was already extremely warm and very humid.  Last thing I want is for someone to have a heat stroke.

After that bit of a warning we moseyed over to the track and football field for a little warmup and quickly I realized I left my wienkie at home so I had to try and remember everything I had planned.

Hilly Billy Walker
…honestly I can’t remember if there was anything else

The Thang:
We started out with the first half of the Merkin mile and for the merkin count we did (9 merkins and 6 merkins) for laps 1 and 2.  The way this works is you do 9 merkins at the begging of the lap and then at the opposite corner you do 9 again.  Then on lap 2 you do 6.

After everyone completed 2 laps we moved over to the middle of the field and luckily there were flags placed out on the field 3 in a row going across the field and a series of about 8 rows (NOT BY THE Q) so we used them to do the following:

Start on one side an do a cross country skier action and you work side ways toward the first flag and then bear crawl to the next flag.  One you reach the end of that row jog up to the next row.

Row 2: Hop down the line moving feet apart and back together working down the line to the flag.  Repeat bear crawl until the end

Row 3:  Ski hop down to flag, repeat bear crawl

Row 4:  Face toward goal post with feet together and hop to the right toward flag, repeat bear crawl

Row 5: Face left and repeat same as #4.

Rinse and repeat back up the field

After completing this series of exercises we moved over to the track and did LBCs and flutters so I could catch my breath before the completing the merkin mile.

Complete merkin mile with merkin counts of 3 and 1

Move back over to the field where we partnered up and did the following:

Partner 1 put exercise band around waist and Partner 2 held band with resistance as #1 broad jumped to next row of flags.  Then partners performed 5 rounds of the Bonsai Tree each.  Rinse and repeat for Partner 2

Next Partner 1 has band around waist and with resistance from P2 runs to the second row of flags (approx 30 yds).  Then P1 and P2 take turns doing hamstring curls.  Rinse and repeat going back.

At this time the sun was starting to peak over the trees and it was time to head back to the truck for some coupons (aka cinder blocks) and grab some water.

After grabbing the blocks we started with over head carry as we worked our way around the school stopping to do various exercises such as chest press, LBC, upright rows, wall sits.  However Olaf decided to bring his poppers with him and thew one toward the Q while on my six so we had to stop and do burpees for his shenanigans.  After several exercises we would continue make the loop around the school with overhead carry while moving.  We also stopped for balls to the wall and burpee box jumps (do a burpee and then jump on top of cinder block then jump to other side of block and do another burpee (repeat 5 times).

After completing the loop we ended back up at COT just in time and maybe a minute or two more of extra credit.

Lots of prayer request where thrown out for Pax and families including Lutekfisk mother, Cornerstone’s 2.0, jobs and 2.0s and Ms.

Gentlemen it was an honor to be invited to Q and lead a bunch of #Hims.  Thanks to the fellow Fort Mill (Lake Ridge) pax for coming out and thanks to Lake Wylie pax for showing as well.  This is a great AO and I encourage others to go out and check this place out.

TClap |

Golden Corral – RUCK HEAVY

It was an awesome morning and 19 PAX showed up to put some work in.  11 of us went to get our RUCK on.  Maximus had reached out and asked if I would be interested in a Co-Q with him as I’ve been freeloading for long enough.  I was pumped for the opportunity and gladly accepted.


Grab a couple sandbags and ruck to our Warm-Up

Partner up and play a little catch me if you can… 5 Merkins

Shoulder Press

Upright Row


Tricep Extensions

Calf raises

Mary – Dead CockRoach, LBC, Flutter Kick

Then he passed the torch….

Indian run with merkins for two rotations through until we got back to the coupons (Ruck On for the rest of the WOD)

Picked up coupons and mosey to a nice gravel hill I found.  Two Groups, first group does squats while group 2 bear crawls up the hill . When six returns we switch.

5 burpees – OYO

Just for fun bear crawl up the gravel hill, then sprint to a marked destination

The PAX where in for a surprise, I drove up early that morning and dropped coupons for their enjoyment.

3 foot cement filled pipe – 7 foot cement filled pipe – 2 Sandbags – 5 gallon bucket filled with 4.5 gallons of water (the worst) – 30lb ammo can – (Add in the three previous sandbags we had that makes 10 coupons) – 11th Pax lost strap privlages.

Make our way to our next destination, while Rucking Heavy

Line up and grab some wall, Rucks on Laps, last guy passes his ruck down the line and sprints to catch it, then grabs some wall until the last guy gets his ruck back. (Gave us a chance to see who Rucks Heavy, and who carries a few barbie dolls)

Leave coupons mosey to a step up wall.

Partner 1 – 10 burpees while Partner 2 does step ups – switch and repeat

2 Double time laps around the oil change and back to repeat the wall rotation and pass.

Grab the coupons and make our way to my truck, we then caught the BC and did some Mary.

P & P

Mastodon, CAH, F3 Dads


Sick kids, Sen. Tressel family, Deacons wife (pregnant)


Was happy to lead and know I have a ton to work on but had a great time and can’t wait until the next time.  I mentioned during the WOD that typically the hardest part of a GoRuck event is carrying odd shaped coupons.  We get comfortable with our sand bags and logs.  So from now on if I Q expect some odd shaped coupons coming with.

Until next time, keep it on two wheels, RAD!

TClap |