Digging Deep at The Swamp

  • QIC: Half Shell
  • When: 10/04/2019
  • Posted In: The Swamp

Pax: Tardy, Lox, Tesla, Lutefisk, Photo Bomb, Bones, World Wide Leader, Cobra Kai, Copyright, Twister, Crab Cakes, DaVinci, FNG (Wing Nut), Bitcoin, The Real McCoy, Half Shell (Q)

Sixteen bootcampers/ruckers arrived at The Swamp/Chupacabra to get better with their F3 brothers and share some morning pain.  After delivering the disclosure to the PAX (including one FNG – Welcome “Wing Nut”!!), the ruckers left to do….well, rucking things and YHC led the bootcampers on a brief mosey to an adjacent parking lot from COT.
      My plan going in to the workout was to dig a little bit deeper into the exercon for some more obscure exercises.  We circled up and started with 10 Copperhead Squats.  I was quickly reminded that this four-count squat exercise is strikingly similar to the low-slow squat but…. it was in the exercon so I was going with it.  After the Copperheads….eh hem…. Low Slow Squats, we did 10 Imperial Walker Squats.  (After each cross-over add a squat) and 10 mountain climber merkins.  I “adjusted” (messed up) the movement count slightly on that one which led to some brief mumble chatter.
     We then moseyed to the fountain where each member of the PAX started a ladder of Dirty Hookups.  (Exercon’s terminology, not mine)  Each person begins in the plank position facing the fountain.  With the first count, put one arm on the wall of the fountain, then two, then one, then back to plank.  YHC called out the cadence then it rotated clockwise with each PAX calling it out.  All members did each rep.
    After two rounds of Dirty Hookups we partnered up for some stair exercises.  Starting at the fountain, and with your partner, each PAX did 20 dips on the benches then ran over to, up and down the opposite stairs.  Someone zip-tied the gate at the bottom so we called an audible.  Instead of running through the now, non-existent open gate, we did 5 squats at the bottom and ran back up the stairs and over to the fountain.  The PAX completed five rounds of this so, we got in 100 dips and 10 rounds on the stairs.
    Once completed, we moseyed to the front of Target.  At each red ball the PAX completed 2 burpees.  Between the balls we alternated between Bear Crawl merkins (merkin on the fourth count) and Lt. Dan’s.  We modified the return trip and did 5 flutters at each ball.  To get to the next ball the PAX ran two balls ahead and returned one. – Mini suicides.
    Short on time, we headed back to COT with a brief stop at the fountain for two more rounds of Dirty Hookup ladders.
    After brief announcements, (read your newsletter) prayers included internal reflection, Tardy’s niece and Lutefisk’s daughter.
   Thanks for the opportunity to lead!
Half Shell
TClap |

Tour De AO

9 Boot Campers braved their Friday for a Lutefisk Q at the Swamp. 3 ruckers and a runner joined up for COT.  Brief disclaimer given with no FNG’s and we were off.  Took a stop in a random parking lot for some COP warm-up activities.  Mosey to the famous Target balls.  Informed PAX that a fellow PAX’s brother was just diagnosed with MS as he was having leg pains.  They feel they caught it early and can do a lot for him to live an active life, so YHC dedicates this workout to Dennis The Menace’s brother!  Having no winkie, YHC decides to have these HIM check out the places at this AO that I have come do despise.  Hence, Target balls.  We did the balls three times over with partners going every other ball with burpees, lunge jumps, squats…. great times. Bad times on your legs.  Mosey to the only hill near the bank.  11’s, burpees up top, dips down below.  Mosey to the fountain for some partner catch me if you can.  Did a few laps ( first one didn’t look so good, poor planning) and got back to COT on time.  Simple, but effective.

TClap |

Two Ferns in a Swamp

YHC was asked to Q at the Swamp by a HIM named Cha Ching (whom was DR and on IR) and I jumped at the request.

We started with a basic Traveling COP with a few stops along the way some SSH, Diamond Merkins, Seal Jax, Ranger (Regular) Merkins, Smurf Jax and Werkin’s. Nobody liked the amount I decided to do but oh well. Those are the reps that I like and I was my Q. We eventually made our way to where I had a speaker and a BOP set up with some side walk chalk.

The Thang was basically 8 exercises each for 1 minute and write down your reps in your parking space. Pretty basic but I love this workout and 4-8 is murders row to the legs.

1. Scorpion Dry Docks
2. Big Boys
3. Ranger Merkins
4. Jump 180 Squats
5. Donkey Kicks
6. Jump Lunges
7. Plank knee tucks
8. Burpees

Then take a run (timed) to the far fire Hydrant by the Home Depot which was shown to the Pax during the COP.

Return winded and then rinse and repeat the 8 exercises but with more reps! Goal was we didn’t have to run the Last lap if 50% or more of the PAX beat their Burpee count. They were successful or lied to me. Most were glad not to run the last lap.

This is a basic bootcamp I know but it will test u and blow u up!

Got to meet a few new PAX and that is why I always like Qing and different AO’s.

Finished up with a COT (announcements, a few prayers and praises and all thankful for another day).

Thanks for the opportunity to lead Cha Ching

I am enjoying this ride I am on and am not sure where it is taking me but all we can do is prepare and train.


TClap |

What Lacks in Creativity…

Call it “coincidental”, impeccable luck, dumb luck, divine appointment, proper Site-Q planning or option “F”, None of the Above but I was fortunate to have the Q at the Swamp today; the morning of our region’s Invergence. If the PAX were grumpy this evening due to not having a decent workout to start their day, that would be on my shoulders. I was really hoping to not let that happen.

So when 19 other men rolled in for an even 20, I had to take note of who might need the extra push. Once the mental note was made (and it shall remain mental), I recognized we’d have to get some distance in before jumping right in and even try to gas people a little here and there.

Disclaimer was uttered and again, my request was made: “All of you are carrying something with you this morning. My request is that you be present for the next 45mins, engage, push and be present with us, here.”

We then…moseyed. Made our way the long way (as if there’s a short way) over to the Kohl’s parking lot mixing in Butt Kickers, High Knees, Toy Soldiers and a few rounds of Sprints (yes, on a warm up mosey).

Circle Up for 7 reps in cadence of each of the following:

Wide-Arm Merkins

Regular Merkins

Diamond Merkins

Mountain Climbers

Peter Parkers

Parker Peters

Then 5 Burpees

2 Lines for an Indian Run around the entire Kohl’s/Kirklands/Ulta, etc building coming back to the Ulta parking lot (can’t believe a beauty supply store just made its way into the BB…TWICE).

Then our typical warm up: Slow Wind Mills, Slow Squats

Catch Me If You Can with a partner and incorporating 10 Carolina Dry Docks and 10 Monkey Humpers when your partner catches you. Make the parking lot lap 3 times. Word to the wise, if you’re partnered with B.O.T., mandate that he jogs or shoot, walks…#speedy.

Circle Up for 7 more reps in cadence of each of the following:

Wide-Arm Merkins

Regular Merkins

Diamond Merkins

Mountain Climbers

Peter Parkers

Parker Peters

Then, mosey to the Old Navy parking lot and line up on a white line

Crab Walk 20 yards, 20 dips, crab walk back, 20 Dips


Mosey to the Best Buy parking lot

3 reps each:

Wide-Arm Merkins

Regular Merkins

Diamond Merkins



See you at the Invergence tonight and the 1st Convergence tomorrow (Sat) followed by Q-Source.



TClap |

Early Risers at the Swamp

When I pulled into the parking lot near Best Buy, there were several cars already parked near the AO.  Based on the mumble chatter on social media, several of the PAX were getting in some early training for upcoming events.  There were 23 men at the work out, 13 for ruck, 8 for BC, and 2 runners.

After the disclaimer, we jogged to the front of Best Buy.  We started with a few warm up exercises (Butt Kickers, Toy Solders) before we moseyed over to the back of Just Fresh.


SSH  x 20

Imperial Walker x 20

Windmill x 10

Plank Stretches


Next, we moseyed to the front of Home Depot for a round of Dora 1-2-3

100 Lat Pull-ups on the bicycle rack

200 Squats

300 LBCs

Next, we moseyed back to Just Fresh near the staircase for a round of Arod 3-2-1 (reverse Dora). Instead of running around the parking lot, we ran up and down the stairs.

300 Calf Raises

200 Lunges

100 Jump Squats

Next, we headed back to COT for one last exercise, the Merkin Gauntlet.  The Pax lined up in a plank position.  Each person performed 4 merkins in front of each person.


Special prayers for Twister as he recovers from his eye surgery


TClap |

I Love Cindy

Borrowed part of this #beatdown from  Dirty Pipes down at F3JOCO. Visited those guys at the Mad Mule in Benson NC and this workout just called for testing in The FORT.   Little did I know it would end up taking 12 cinder blocks, 4 pavers, 1 sandbag, and 3 rucks to accomplish the workout.  Having prepped and arrived early to setup I could see the headlamps of the pre-runners making early morning laps. All Set to COT for bring some pain. HOLY COW!!! The cars just kept rolling in to the lot. Clown Car after Clown car.  Thank goodness Copyright brought more cinder blocks than requested.

Quick Disclaimer and we are off. Had to tote the extra supplies with us as we ran to warmup.  Much appreciate the support of guys that jumped on the extra weight.

Mosey to the Fountain

Circle up.

SSH x 20     MNC x 20    Hillbilly Walkers x 15

Imperial Walker x 15     Weed Pickers x 15

Fountain work

Derkins x 15 OYO

Dips x 20 OYO

Irkins x 20 OYO

Decline Diamonds x 20

It ain’t fun unless you do it twice.

The Thang I Love Cindy

Partner up–6 stations

Station 1  OH press Max reps

Station 2  Blocked BBS Max Reps

Station 3 Block Squats Max reps

Station 4 Curls 1 block or 2 pavers Max reps

Station 5 Tricep Press 1 block or 2 pavers Max Reps

Station 6 GTOs Max reps

Partner 1 does max reps while Partner 2 runs 4 cone suicide. Plank the 6 rotate upon completion of group.

Talk to Group about Doubt in their lives.

Read- Pray- Surround Yourself with those to talk it out with. Don’t go into seclusion.

Partner Carry back to COT only ~600yrds—-It was awesome and the PAX loved it!.

Not sure what Punchlist and Lutefisk were going for with the midrift shirts in the Name-O-Rama but hey, You do You Bros!

Thanks for the Tap to Lead Cha-Ching. Awesome experience to lead a literal HERD of PAX through the Swamp.

Duck Out!

TClap |

Smiles for Miles

Going to start off saying I REALLY hate running, but when you get together with a good group of guys you just don’t think about what your doing you just do. That is what happened today. I took a Sub-Q at the Swamp and knew that this was a great place to get some running done. I’ve posted here many times within my 5 months of joining F3, and this place has always given me the ability to excel in running. So I figured that is what I’m going to base my Q off of. RUNNING.

So here is the workout.

LOTS of running. To be precise 3.14, but whose counting.

We mosey to Home Depot for a quick warm up.

Some windmills, Moroccan night clubs,  and some Imperial Walkers.

After the quick warm up we did a lot of running. We hit Pain Stations at Kohl’s, Ulta Beauty, Old Navy, and at Mattress Store. At these locations we did various exercises focused on abs and chest only. These were OYO stations. Counts varied from 5-30 depending on workout. Always hitting both body parts at each station. Sometimes twice. That was just the first lap. That’s right we completed 2 laps around the Swamp.

Hitting the second lap we did Pain Stations at Kohl’s, and Ulta Beauty with again doing ab and chest work outs. After Ulta Beauty, running low on time we made our round back to COT running up 160 to the CVS entrance and back to Best Buy.

These guys did awesome. Without having the accountability and push of each other this could have sucked more so than it did. When I started I couldn’t even run 1 mile without walking some. With the push of all these guys at all AO’s I can do a lot more than I ever thought I could. This Q is an example of that. Again as I stated above I HATE running, but with these guys it’s not running it’s just something I really don’t have words for other than family time.

TClap |

Everyone’s a winner at the Swamp

YHC got a text from the QIC for the Swamp on 07/19/2019 that he was on IR.  Coming off of IR myself I felt the need to answer the call.  11 HIM got moseying after a proper disclaimer (hola FNG from Lox).  We ran to Target – the other end of the AO because I didn’t incorporate running into the #winkie. Stopped by the Target balls and asked the PAX if they saw them.  Then ran right by them and said “good we’re not doing anything here” (save those for Monday, amirite Jedi?).  Nice little warmup COP starting with nice slow windmills. Next up, the Cha Ching Mercuries (similar to Freedie Mercuries but every 5 count speed up then slow down then speed up… to 30). Next up were the adult version of an LBC (hands and feet touch the ground for each count rather than staying up… to add some pain).  Finishing up were the Bonsai hammers (American hammers but with a little leg action down and up).  Mosey toward COT to some random parking lot.

The Thang, part 1:
2 columns, relay race. Bear crawl to curb, 5 irkins, crawl bear back. Teams of 5. The 4 that were staying back held Al Gore or Plank. Ran this through 3 times which was terrible.  So many bear crawls & crawl bears.  Tardy has been working on his form.  #Gazelle  Mosey toward COT to some other random parking lot.

The Thang, part 2:
Herein all PAX were warned of you vs you… meaning you’re guaranteed to win. Sort of like a millennial.  Run the following sets OYO 5 times through: 5 burpees, 10 squats, 15 LBCs.  At this point many PAX were near vomit status; a true sign of a good Q.  As I was about to inflict additional pain, Duck said he thought we’d be running.  Good idea, mosey to Home Depot parking lot for the final act.

The Thang, part 3:
10 burpees, 20 diamond merkins, 30 dips, 40 squats, and 50 jump lunges (double count = ouch).  Mosey to COT.

Welcome FNG Flojo and thanks Cha Ching for the substiQ opportunity.  In total there were 11 ruckers and 11 boot campers.  What a way to end the week…

TClap |

Mountain trip to Dupont State Forest on August 3rd with Trail Running, Rucking and Biking options – there will be a 2nd F afterwords

3rd F

Alright we are 2 years ago we did a mountain trip to Roan Mtn. it was one of the best trips I have made with my fellow F3 brothers. After 10-16 miles we went to Daniel Boone Inn to refuel.

With this in mind I wanted to continue to do this hopefully every year. So on August 3rd we are going to do another mountain trip. This time it will be Trail Running, Biking and Rucking options.

Our destination will be DuPont State Forest. We will leave from the Newport Walmart at 6 am it is a 2 1/2 hr trip. we will either go to the Hooker Falls Access or the Lake Imaging Access. For runners we will try and get 12-18 miles in for Mountain bikers Vuvuzela has about 20-30 mile rout lined up.


2nd F

Afterwords will will go to Daddy D’s and refuel.


Make sure you bring water and something for energy do not come unprepared you will regret it. I did exactly that last time. This will be an unforgettable trip that we will try and do every year. we need to clown car to get there since there are no rental vans available.

Reach out to me if you have any questions.  I have attached links below.

Dupont State Forest Trail Map-1



TClap |

Big B, little b, what begins with B?

Buddies, Burpees, Bearcrawls, Bodybuilders, Booyah! Merkins and B.O.M.B.S. all start with that letter B, that’s what.

18 attended the Swamp today, half rucked, the other have joined YHC for a little schooling on the letter B.

I decided a couple weeks ago that I was going to work my way through the Exicon one letter at a time.  This was my 2nd Q since making that decision so the 8 unlucky PAX that got stuck with me and B today were thoroughly beat-down.

I gave the quick usual disclaimer an off we went.  I immediately heard grumbling about the speed so I slowed it down a bit and we did some karaoke’s and toy soldiers before circling up for a quick warm-up, which consisted of 9 Windmills and 15 Merkins (IC) followed by a couple 10 counts holding a 6″ plank.  A quick stretch and off to the 1st routine.

Routine 1:

Burpee, Bearcrawl, Booyah! Merkin…Chase

Buddy up and partner 1 does 5 burpees and then chases down his partner who is bearcrawling around the 2 roundabouts (about .25 miles).  Tags his partner and then they each do 5 Booyah! Merkins and switch/repeat until getting back to the starting point.  A real shoulder burner!

Routine 2:

For routine 2 we moseyed to the parking lot next to the fountain and did some B.O.M.B.S.  This is basically a DORA with more exercises and the suggestion to pick an exercise that matches each letter in BOMBS.

  • 50 Bodybuilders
  • 100 Overhead presses (with cinderblocks)
  • 150 Monkey Humpers
  • 200 Big-Boy sit-ups
  • 250 Smurf Jacks (suuuuuucked)

In typical DORA fashion, 1 partner does the exercise while the other (in this case) sprints to the 2nd island, bear crawls around the island, and then sprints back and picks up where his partner left off while his partner does the sprinting.

I think only  Cha-Ching, Duck Dynasty, and I finished, but that was probably because we were the odd group and we took the higher of the 2 reps.  I’m not sure if we would have made it otherwise since it came down to the last few seconds before heading back to CoP.

Everyone did awesome and pushed for the entire 45 minutes.

We made it back to CoP at exactly 6:00AM with the Ruckers about a minute behind.

Maximus announced a couple of new AO’s coming to Fort Mill, including a “Bruisers” workout for injured PAX, what a great idea.  As well as a bootcamp AO with a mandatory pre-run, sounds harsh!  In any case, not a lot of PAX spoke up with Prayers except for Maximus again so we prayed for family and everything that was on our hearts.

Thank you for the Q Cha-Ching it was a pleasure to lead these men today.  Nice work everyone!

Until next time,



TClap |