CSPAN Send off Convergence

141 Men came to show the Respectable**CSPAN** some Respect!!

He leaves The Fort and heads north or as Dredd refers to Yankee land. Not gone forever but just up the road 600 miles to start a new chapter in life and in F3 as he will launch F3Philly.

I am not the most eloquent with my back-blasts and I am usually to the point with posting the workout, add some words and being done, however since I can’t get Italian Job to write this up and Double D challenged the PAX to think of one word to represent CSAPN, I think that is the best way to document this convergence.

Thank you CSPAN for being all of these things and more to you r brothers in the PAX. As posted on Twitter and many of these were repeated multiple times:


The Workout looked like this:

WWL at the Q:

  • Mosey around the lot
  • Line up; karaoke, side shuffle, high knees, butt kickers, toy solders, lungewalk, power skips
  • COP
    • SSH, squat, merkin, moroccan night club, 10 Flying squirrels
Double D at the Q:
  • Run to practice field
  • Plank sequence
  • Split into 2 groups on each sideline
  • Sprint to center and back to sideline
  • Monkey humpers x25
  • Rinse + repeat with Merkins x 25
  • CDDs x25
  • Burpees x25
Longshanks at the Q:
  • Burpees
  • Lunges
  • Inch worm Merkins
  • Maktar Ndiayes
  • Plank Jacks
  • Squats.

Dredd at the Q:

  • Prayer for CSPAN
  • Merkin/Ab Lab series
  • Truth Nuggets and Leadership development with Major Payne, Wegmans, & Drop Thrill
  • Mosey to hill behind Bob Jones Stadium
  • Prayer for CSPAN heading to F3Philly…..”CSPAN Coming”
  • More Merkin/Ab lab series


141 Count, Name O’rama, 2 FNGs (Bikini & Manzel), Skinny Jeans pray out over CSPAN and his IMPACT on men and for Sky Q’s kingdom.

TClap |

Barney Fife’s Ballroom VQ

The Message:

Since this was my VQ I was not overly confident and could feel the butterflies doing side straddle hops in my stomach. I had made a homemade deck of workout cards that I was looking forward to trying out. However, the best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry and my plan quickly fell apart. I am ashamed to admit that I underestimated my fellow PAX. My plan was based on a group of what I assumed would be 5 – 10 that would eventually draw 5 cards each by the end of the workout at which time we would compare hands for a modified game of poker.

As I stood in the gloom waiting to give my first disclaimer I was pleasantly surprised to watch the steady stream of vehicles arrive, one after the other. By the time 5:15 rolled around there was a total of 26 of us and I was less nervous and could feel the support in the air. I quickly realized that I would have to modify my plan but I was happy to do it because no matter what happened I knew I was among good friends that would be quick to help if necessary.

After stumbling over a barely adequate disclaimer we started with a CoP warmup:

  • Windmills
  • Side straddle hops
  • Hillbilly walkers
  • Carolina dry docks

After the warm up it was time for a short mosey to the football field.


The PAX lined up on the goal line and planked while one person at a time sprinted to the 40 yard line, drew a card and brought it back and called their exercise out in cadence. After each PAX brought one card back for a random beat down that worked the legs, arms and abs we split up into 5 groups on the field. Each group used the 5 workout cards that they had drawn from the pile and moved to the next group of cards when they were done. After each group worked through all 5 sets of cards we lined up on the 40 yard line for more sprints:

  • 10 yard sprint, imperial walkers back
  • 20 yard sprint, power skip back
  • 30 yard sprint, hillbilly walkers back

We moseyed back to the parking lot for CoT where I explained to the group what an enormous impact my F3 brothers have had on my life since I began coming in April and we all welcomed FNG Flyby to the family.

Thanks to Short Sale for giving me the opportunity to Q, I thoroughly enjoyed it and promise to make it SUCK more next time. Thanks to all the PAX who came out and showed their support.

TClap |

Light Pole Work

For what looked to be a rainy morning the night before, I was pleased to see we would have a dry morning, except for the sweat from the less than moderate work I had planned.  Ballroom is a great AO and is also moderate.  The workout allowed everyone the opportunity to push themselves.  As cars rolled in a great group of 25 PAX assembled and the mumble-chatter started immediately.  After a short disclaimer we moseyed around the parking lot and stopped at the far side for warm-up

  • SSH
  • Windmill
  • Imperial Walker
  • Low Slow Squat
  • Merkin
  • Mountain Climber
  • MNC – correct arm movement

Mosey to the entrance road for the light pole work to begin.  Begin at 1st light pole with exercise, run to the 2nd and complete exercise.  Come back to 1st and complete exercise and go to 2nd then 3rd and then back to 1st.  Continue this until complete all 5 light poles. (Mumble-chatter had dropped to a low level), catching your breath was more important.  Light poles were spaced out along front entrance and every other pole had designated exercise.  Exercises:

  1. 10 Merkins
  2. 15 CDD
  3. 20 Dips
  4. 25 Monkey Humpers
  5. 30 Squats

Once completed and six was in we moseyed to the grass/mud hill on the side of the school.  Set out for a series of 12’s.  Bottom of hill dips and the top of the hill squats. 1 at bottom & 11 at top of hill – 2/10, 3/9…..

Moseyed back to front parking lot for a little Mary.  Opportunity for some of the Pax that had not Q’d before to lead an exercise of Mary.  Good job Arrowhead, Dungaree and Wide Right.


We have almost completed 60 days of focus on impact.  I shared with the group that as I have thought about impact in my life, I have thought about the people in my life that have impacted me.  Most of the time they probably didn’t know the impact they made but more importantly their impact was made by how they lived their life.  As I shared that in our family, work, social and community, it may not be the words we speak but the daily actions we live that can impact someone.  I also shared Dabo’s response he had at the ACC media day, when asked about his faith.  “If there is hope in the future, there is power in the present”.  Take 3 minutes and watch the video of his response.  We are all blessed and have different opportunities in the present.  Let your actions speak loudly!!

Thanks Short Sale for the opportunity to Q.

TClap |

Lots of balls at the Swamp!

Short notice Q for the swamp bootcamp this morning could very well be my last before I move to Everett Washington. A lot of Ruckers, only 5 of us for the boot camp.



mosy to target balls for the main event:

one armed merkin each arm and a regular merkin at each ball, running between each

15 squats and bear crawl to each ball

5 burpees and lunge to each ball

10 monkey humpers and crabwalk to each ball

last thing we did I beleive is a variation of belching, sprint to each ball and drop to 6 inches, sprint forward and repeat when Q says go. That one actually was pretty intense.

Kept things simple but painful.

TClap |

Block Party/Colosseum Colombia Team Send off!

28 even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Matt 20:28

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Acts 1:8

61 PAX and YHC came to Block Party this day to show support to those that have felt a call to serve. As we are commanded to serve locally, nationally and globally this group of men are going global to get uncomfortable and grow closer to SkyQ. The support, prayers and encouragement from our brothers in the PAX is overwhelming and powerful. Anyone that has not realized it yet, F3 is more than a workout!

The Thang:

  • Ruckers when their separate way with Cobra Kai at the helm
  • Runners went looking for golf balls at FMGC with Pusher at the point
  • The rest of us followed YHC for a boot-camp with 40 or so of our brothers
    • Mosey down path, across the field out towards 160 for COP
      • All exercises were to 11 count for the 11 heading to Colombia
      • Plank
      • SSHs
      • Squat
      • Merkins
      • MOracan Night Clubs
      • Sumo Squat
      • Wide Arm Merkins
      • LBCs
      • Peter Parkers
      • Rosalitas
      • Imperial Walkers
    • Mosey to playground
      • Ladder work
      • Do exercise with designated reps, take a lap, add next exercise, take a lap…..
        1 Merkin Bonsai 11
        2 LBC Bubba 20
        3 Squat Cake Boss 27
        Here from PAX on their WHY
        4 Burpee Crawdaddy 32
        5 Inch Worm Merkins Elvis 35
        6 Sumo Squat Fire Marshal Bill 36
        Here from PAX on their WHY
        7 Bombjacks Flat Tire 35
        8 Overhead Clap Italian Job 32
        9 Leg Raises Mr Bill 27
        Here from PAX on their WHY
        10 Lunge Hops Sir Topham Hat 20
        11 Donkey Kicks Trucker 11
    • Right up against time we finished
  • COT
    • We had 3 FNGs, Love Handles, Arrowhead and Homer
    • CSPAN prayed us out  an prayed over the whole team

YHC can thank you all for being a stable rock in my life. I can’t say enough about what F3 and each of my Brothers means to me and how it has changed my life. More importantly it has allowed me to reach men for SkyQ’s kingdom and that is the best achievement ever.

Peace Men

Cake Boss out!


TClap |

Taters beat down

23 Pax, 19 for Bootcamp and 4 Ruckers

Welcome FNG Mill-Billy

It’s been a while since Tater had the Q and he did not disappoint!

He gave the disclaimer and we were off to mosey, Toy Soldiers, Butt Kickers, Knee to chest, Karaoke

COP Did a few exercises here to get nice and warm before we mosied over to the fountain and partnered up

Dora 1-2-3-4 100 Derkins, 200 Step-ups, 300 Dips, 400 LBC one partner ran the loop while the other partner did the exercise

We got through one full round and started our way back down before we stopped and returned to the COT area to do a little Ab-Lab

Excellent work! It was not an easy workout and we were all challenged!!

Great work Tater and the PAX!!!!!!

TClap |

Tempo – WindJammer

Had 5 for 5 miles out to the lake and back via WindJammer.  Great run and great fellowship as always.

Stoked to see NASA out for a second time with me this week, and feeling better.

Lifted up Cha-Ching and the new baby, and Spuds father.

Until next time.


Oh yeah, 4:50 – Pre – Bootcamp before the run started this week and will continue next week!

TClap |

Full body pain dished out at Alcatraz

Begin with disclaimer and went around the roadway circle for a “quick slow” mosey.

Circle up for warmup
-10x windmills
-10x low slow squats
– 15x peter parker
-15x parker peter
-downward dog / honeymooner
-10x plank jacks, recover
-10x cherry pickers

Mosey to other side of parking lot where the real pain began early:
-Merkin ladder: drop for 20 merkins, run 10 yards and drop for 19 merkins, run back 18 merkins, run back 17 merkins…. rinse and repeat until 10 merkins for a quick 165 merkin beatdown.  WOW

Mosey to baseball field where we completed the field of dreams: count off by 4’s, each base had 3 PAX. The 4’s started at home plate for 15 burpees – they are the timekeepers. When done, each base moved onto the next base until the cycle was completed by all.  1st base was AMRAP squats, 2nd base was SSH’s, and 3rd base was LBC’s.

Circle up around the pitcher’s mound so we can finish off our arms with Jack Webb’s.

It is now 0700 and time for Senator Tressel to take over with:

Mosey from the ball  field and head down to Tara Tea Dr (steep hill).  Form two groups and face the hill:
1.  Round 1:  run to the top off the hill and back, plank at the bottom until everyone is back, recover.   Slow squats on Q’s count with a few holds mixed in.
2.  Round 2:  run backwards to the  top and back, plank at the bottom, recover..  Slow, alternating  lunges on the Q’s count with a few holds mixed in.
3.  Round 3:  run to the top and back, plank at the bottom, recover.  Slow monkey humpers on the Q’s count with a few holds mixed in.
4.  Round 4:  run backwards to the top and back, plank at the bottom, recover.   Calf raises for an unspecified time while the Pax cacthes their breath.
5.  Round 5:  run to the top, run back down, then run back to the top, do 5 burpees at the top, plank until the 6 is finished.
Mosey back to the baseball field for tunnel of love.  The Pax attempted 2 rounds, but it was a bit of a cluster.    Lutefisk’s merkin fest was too taxing on the upper body, and sustaining a tunnel for 16 to pass through was ill advised at that point.
Circle up for 6 MOM (all in cadence)
Freddie Merc x 20, Hello Dolly x 15, American Hammer x 20.  Superman hold x 2.  End with the Body Destroyer (one of YHC’s personal favorites).
COT – prayers for sicknesses to be healed among PAX and their families and mother’s day with special shoutout to Mr Clean’s children and all children who have lost their mothers.
It is now 38 hours since the completion of this, and I still hurt. Everywhere.  Which is awesome. Thanks for the opportunity to lead!  -Lutefisk
TClap |

Beyond – how selfish are you

The message for Beyond was around being selfish


Humans we are naturally selfish people.  As a child you grow up thinking everything should be centered around

you.  Even as I moved into adulthood I still didn’t completely understand what it meant to put others first. 

Because I never had anyone who was dependent upon me.  When I got married I was quickly called out that it is now “we”

and not “I” which was initially hard for me to understand at first.  Then several years later reality smacked me in the face

when we had our first child.  Now there was someone in my life that was 100% reliant upon me.  I quickly had to figure

out as all parents do how to adjust and make things happen.


In my life I am the most selfish with my time.  I don’t like to spend “my” time on things that “I” feel are not as important

as other things. 


There are 24 hours in a day

1440 minutes


Average person sleeps 7 hours

                       works 9 hours

                       spends 2 hours in a car


This leaves 8 hours for everything else (Wife, kids, Quite time, F3, Whetstone, etc)


How do you manage your time?  Is is the smartest way?


As I was preparing for this Q I kept going back to how do I manage my time and how I think I should be.  I will be

the first to say I am nowhere near the model, but I desire to be able to say that I will one day get there.


Time Priority:

1. God

2. Wife

3. Family

4. Friends


One of the most important things that I hope the Pax take from the workout is Kids spell LOVE – TIME.  The more time you

spend with them the more love they feel.  Think about that next time when one of your kids ask you to do something and you

would rather be doing something else.  They won’t always be around so enjoy the time you have with them now.







Hand release merkins 10 IC


–With being a beyond workout figured since it just rained we needed to embrace the suck and get on the ground




The thang:


Partner up

P1 – runs to end of parking lot and back

P2 – works on burpee / sandbag thruster (1 burpee / 1 thruster, 2 burpees, 2 thrusters, etc until 10)


Each partner does their own until they reach 10 of each



P1 – runs to end of parking lot

P2 – pick up sandbag on shoulder and toss backward until P1 returns


rinse and repeat x 3


Exercises done holding either ruck, sandbag or cinderblock:

Squats 20 IC

Squat pulses 10 IC

Flutters 20 IC

 Thanks for the opportunity to lead.

TClap |

Hills, more hills, and some remembrance

With spring break starting and Longshanks having part of the Q I didn’t know what type of crowd would show up. With Easter being the next day and this week being very reflective for me personally, we tweeted out about some Easter trivia and before I knew it we had several of our more scholarly PAX HCing so I went back and tuned up the questions. It was great to a solid collection of PAX ready to go when start time rolled around.

Longshanks led us thru some SSHs and Wind-mills while Sasquatch finished getting dressed. Once he was ready Longshanks took us behind the park to the bottom of the big hill for a Longshanks style warm-up. Partner up for a Dora 1-2-3. 100 Merkins, 200 Squats, & 300 LBCs, other partner is running about 3/4 way up the hill and back.

After everyone was ‘warmed up’, we moseyed back up the hill to playground. Again with Easter being the next day I worked up some questions about the events leading up to Easter. 4 questions per station, 3 stations, and exercises accumulated at each station.

  1. At the last Supper, who did Jesus say would deny him 3 times before the cock crowed twice? Peter – 5 Pull-ups
  2. After dinner they walk to the Garden of Gethsemane , when Jesus goes off to pray what does he ask Peter, James & John to do? Not go to sleep – 5 Pull-Ups, 10 Dips
  3. In the Garden, how to Judas identify Jesus to the guards? Kisses him – 5 Pull-Ups, 10 Dips, 10 Derkins
  4. What was the name of the Jewish group that initially condemns Jesus? Sanhedrin – 5 Pull-Ups, 10 Dips, 10 Derkins, 5 Burpees

Mosey over to small hill

  1. When Jesus is initially brought to Pilate, who does Pilate then send Jesus to? Herod – 10 Monkey humpers, run up hill and back
  2. Pilate nor Herod can find anything to convict Jesus of so Pilate asks the crowd if they want to free Jesus or a criminal. What was the criminal names? Barabbos – 10 Monkey humpers, 10 squats, run up hill and back
  3. What is the name of the location where Jesus was crucified? Golgotha or Calvary – 10 Monkey humpers, 10 squats, 10 lunges, run up hill and back
  4. Who was voluntold to carry the cross when Jesus was unable? Simon of Cyrene – 10 Monkey humpers, 10 squats, 10 lungers, 10 calf raises, run up hill

Mosey over to parking lot

  1. When Jesus was crucified, at noon what natural event occurred? Sky went dark for 3 hours – 3 line suicide
  2. Who took Jesus’ body down, wrapped it, and place it in the tomb? Joseph of Arimathea – 3 line suicide with 10 Plank Jacks at each end line
  3. Who was the 1st human to see Jesus after he rose from the dead? Mary Magdalene – 3 line suicide with 10 Plank Jacks at each end line and 3 Burpees at each start line
  4. How many days did Jesus stay on Earth before ascending to heaven? 40 – 3 line suicide with 10 Plank Jacks at each end line and 3 Burpees at each start line: waited on all PAX and we did 40 SSHs

Longshanks finished us up with about 3 minutes of Mary.

PAX went 100% on the questions. There really wasn’t going to be more exercises if they didn’t answer a question correctly but I was impressed nevertheless. Hopefully everyone got a good quick recap of the events that occurred but also got a solid work-out. Always an honor to lead this group. Thanks Smuggler for the opportunity!

TClap |