Hills, Arms, Suicides and Hills

Sir Topham Hat and I were pretty excited to take on Alcatraz together. A couple or “runners” who really “enjoy” hills? What could possibly go wrong? A warning was sent on the Twitter machine that this would be hill intensive, so I was pleased to see 11 Pax show in addition to YHC and STH. It was a bit of an Alcatraz reunion of sorts with some familiar faces. We knew we needed to bring it.

STH on Q

  • Warm up jog with side shuffles, butt kickers and high knees
  • Mosey to the play area
  • Amrap pull-ups (unassisted), 20CDD – 3 Times
  • Mosey to Parking Lot
  • COP: SSHx20, cherry pickers x 10, Mountin Climbers x 20, Peter Parker’s x 10, 6” twice
  • Mosey to Upper Hill for Jacobs ladder
  • 7 burps and 1 bombjack at top.  Made it 4 rounds
  • Al Gore to squats (which prompted some colorful comments. Just do an Al Gore while doing squats and it’ll become clear immediately.
  • Mosey to Wooden wall.  7 count incline merkins in cadence, flip to dips 7 count in cadence.  Flap jack 4 times #smokefest
  • Handoff to Zima

Zima on Q

  • Mosey to Parking Lot
  • 25 SSH IC
  • 17 Something I can’t remember IC (I blame it on being light-headed)
  • Mosey to Middle of Parking Lot for Suicide Burpees (5 burpees at baseline each time running to 3 increasing suicide targets)
  • Walk 20 yards back for 10 hand release merkins at baseline with 4 suicide series targets
  • Walk 20 yards back for 7 bombjacks at baseline and 5 suicide series targets
  • Go to field for 4 corners
  • Corner 1 20 Monkey Humpers IC
  • Corner 2 20 Walking Lunges IC
  • Corner 3 20 Monkey Humpers IC
  • Corner 4 15 LS Squats IC
  • Run to short steep lower hill for 5 Min Quadzilla (insert copious amounts of complaining herre)
  • Mosey back to parking lot for 5 mins Pax Choice Mary
  • Finish with double 10 count body destroyer

All in all it was a pretty good smokefest. Everyone pushed their limits

NMM (here are our notes)

  • STH is super fit but bailed for Zima Q (cited family commitments)
  • Fish Sticks = #King #WarDaddy
  • Great mumblechatter this AM
  • Maximus is a beast and smiles through the entire workout like “Is that all you got?” Yes Max, it is.
  • Highlight of the morning was Dark Helmet’s commentary on STH’s Al Gore Squats #graphic #hilarious
  • A couple of Pax almost got laid out by a Buck (Deer) that didn’t see them and then shot off across the street
  • Quadzilla is still a crowd pleaser (esp. when you add a minute)
  • For all the comments about being out of shape, Gears seemed to be towards the head of the pack
  • Glad to see half the team of “Beauty and the Beasts” support us

Prayer, Praises, Announcements

BOM on Zima

Thanks for the opportunity to lead Smuggler! Keep me in the rotation.

Zima Out!

TClap |

Running away from hills towards hills

Thursday morning we ran. It’s been awhile since I’ve been to Tempo so I asked Gekko what’s been going on recently so I could do something a little different. This is what we did.

  • We ran away from the hills of Tega Cay Only to find more hills (Hubert Graham and Dave Gibson)
  • Exit Trailhead towards 160
  • Right at Hubert Graham
  • Go straight at the round about into Walmart Parking Lot
  • Run around the back of Walmart
  • Cross Dam Road and Run the back entrance to Gold Hill Middle School
  • Run out the front up Dave Gibson Hill 🙂
  • Left at 160
  • Left at Stonecrest Blvd
  • Right at Hubert Graham (another hill)
  • Left Gold Hill
  • Return to Trailhead Park

Total Miles: 4.7

Several Prayers for healing, comfort, families and marriages. Always an honor to lead. Thanks Gekko.

Zima Out

TClap |

CSPAN Send off Convergence

141 Men came to show the Respectable**CSPAN** some Respect!!

He leaves The Fort and heads north or as Dredd refers to Yankee land. Not gone forever but just up the road 600 miles to start a new chapter in life and in F3 as he will launch F3Philly.

I am not the most eloquent with my back-blasts and I am usually to the point with posting the workout, add some words and being done, however since I can’t get Italian Job to write this up and Double D challenged the PAX to think of one word to represent CSAPN, I think that is the best way to document this convergence.

Thank you CSPAN for being all of these things and more to you r brothers in the PAX. As posted on Twitter and many of these were repeated multiple times:


The Workout looked like this:

WWL at the Q:

  • Mosey around the lot
  • Line up; karaoke, side shuffle, high knees, butt kickers, toy solders, lungewalk, power skips
  • COP
    • SSH, squat, merkin, moroccan night club, 10 Flying squirrels
Double D at the Q:
  • Run to practice field
  • Plank sequence
  • Split into 2 groups on each sideline
  • Sprint to center and back to sideline
  • Monkey humpers x25
  • Rinse + repeat with Merkins x 25
  • CDDs x25
  • Burpees x25
Longshanks at the Q:
  • Burpees
  • Lunges
  • Inch worm Merkins
  • Maktar Ndiayes
  • Plank Jacks
  • Squats.

Dredd at the Q:

  • Prayer for CSPAN
  • Merkin/Ab Lab series
  • Truth Nuggets and Leadership development with Major Payne, Wegmans, & Drop Thrill
  • Mosey to hill behind Bob Jones Stadium
  • Prayer for CSPAN heading to F3Philly…..”CSPAN Coming”
  • More Merkin/Ab lab series


141 Count, Name O’rama, 2 FNGs (Bikini & Manzel), Skinny Jeans pray out over CSPAN and his IMPACT on men and for Sky Q’s kingdom.

TClap |

Burpee Plank Chase at the Ranch

Things got a little bumpy right from the start as the PAX arrived and learned that Jiffy is having some work done to improve the AO.  Cones everywhere and new pavement is going in.  Modification therefore stared early as the PAX were forced to park somewhere other than our normal place.

The PAX of 9 gathered near the entrance to the Middle School rather than the Elementary School and received their notification of the element of risk that laid before them.  With that we were off on a mosey to the front of the middle school.

Warm up:

  • Honeymooner and downward dog – the mumble chatter broke this one up pretty quickly…..
  • SSH x52
  • Windmill x10
  • Merkin x10

The Thang:

Burpee/Merkin/Plank Chase – The PAX lined up in a plank position with a 10 yard separation between each man.  The first man ran up to the next man in plank, performed a burpee and jumped over the planking man at the top of the burpee.  He then ran to the next member of the PAX and did the same until he reached the end of the line.  For the men holding plank, they performed a hand release merkin each time a member of the PAX on the burpee chase passed them.  When the last PAX passed them, they would start the chase.  This continued for the full drop off circle which is a quarter mile.  With the number of PAX in attendance, everyone had the chance to do the burpee chase 3 times for one lap around the circle.

Regroup at the front of the school and each man grabbed a bench for leg work.

  • Squat Jumps Slow – lower until your six is on the bench and then explode up.  Done slowly in cadence x10
  • One Leg Squats – Put one leg the bench and squat with the other leg x10 each leg
  • Squat Jumps Fast – Q yells out Down to lower six to the bench and then up for exploding into a jump.  Done in quick cadence (approximately 1 per second) X10
  • Calf Raises Straight x10
  • Calf Raises Out x10
  • Calf Raises In x10
  • Run a lap 1/4 mile

Line back up for another round of the Burpee/Merkin Plank Chase.

Leg work again:

  • Squat Jumps Fast x20
  • Calf Raises Straight x20
  • Calf Raises Out x15
  • Calf Raises In x15


  • Dying Cockroach x25
  • Big Boy Sit-ups x15


Announcements – Convergence this Saturday

Prayer Requests – Prayers to those traveling this weekend.

It was an honor to Q such a strong group of HIM!  Thank you to Jiffy for the opportunity!

TClap |

Iron PAX Challenge – Week 2

This morning workout was the week 2 of the Iron PAX Challenge.  In addition, the RYAOA (Run your ass off August) crew was geared up for a run day.  The PAX was equally split, 10 for the challenge, 10 for the run.

Straight-up took the lead again with a warm-up stretch routine focusing on the muscle groups that we were going to be testing later in the workout.  After briefing the group on the routine, we began the challenge:

  1.  Thrusters
  2.  Curls
  3. KB Swings
  4. Man Makers
  • 8 minutes of each exercise
  • After every 25 reps run 25 yards out and back
  • 2 minute rest between each exercise

Here are the results for week 2:

  Number of Reps  
F3 Name Thrusters Curls KB Swings Man Makers Total
Straight up 166 243 137 45 591
Cha-Ching 172 247 200 58 677
Sugar Daddy 163 103 119 31 416
Bodywash 140 175 135 50 500
Maximus 170 215 207 56 648
Quack Attack 150 198 187 25 560
Mile High 125 175 142 30 472
On The Rocks 120 150 95 50 415
Soprano 110 135 90 32 367
Fishsticks 150 174 135 49 508


Great push and encouragement by both groups!  I know I am going to have difficulty raising my arms above my shoulders today.



Rooney Roast – This Friday

CSPAN Convergence – This Saturday

Straight Up workout – Sept 15th WEP

F3 – The Fort  Anniversary, Sept 21st

Let Me Run Fundraiser – 1,000 burpees in September



Relationships with 2.0s

Quality time with Parents

Teachers, Parents, and 2.0s going back to school




TClap |

Honoring Special Agent Forrest Leamon at HoneyBadger – 8/13/18

24 #HIM joined YHC (25 total) to honor Special Agent Forrest Leamon at the 8-13-18 edition of HoneyBadger.

U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration Special Agent Forrest Nelson Leamon, 37, assigned to the Foreign-deployed Advisory and Support Team (FAST) Echo was killed October 26th, 2009, while on a counternarcotics mission in Western Afghanistan when the helicopter he was in crashed. He is survived by his wife Ana, his son Luke, his parents, Sue and Richard Leamon, and his sister Heather.


  • Mosey around the parking lot 1 lap
  • 50 Side straddle hops
  • 21 double count windmills
  • Downward dog to honey mooner x3
  • Small arm circles
  • Big arm cirles
  • Reverse small arm circles
  • Reverse big arm circles

Mosey to the pull up bars.

The “Forrest” WOD:

3 rounds for time:

  • 20 L Pull-ups
  • 30 toes to bar
  • 40 burpees
  • 800M run



  • Weekend events honoring #HIMs CSPAN & Rooney
  • #218in18
  • SiteQ Meeting this Wednesday


  • Parents
  • Kids back to school

– Ginsu


TClap |

August 2018 – Impact Convergence

On the morning of Friday, August 3rd, 61 Men of High Impact joined Homebrew, Deacon, & Jiffy for some #Convergence work.

For this Round Robin of Pain, we separated the PAX into 3 groups and rotated to each station for 12 minutes.

Station 1 – Jiffy:

He had setup a row of 4 cones in the bank parking lot and ran the PAX through the following exercises.

  • 5 Burpees OYO
  • Straight suicides
  • Lunge walk, 10 squats at each cone
  • Bear crawl, 10 merkins at each cone
  • 15 American Hammers in cadence
  • Suicides with 3 Bomb Jacks at each cone
  • Broad jump to each cone, 5 lunges each leg
  • Crab walk, 5 diamond merkins at each cone
  • 15 LBC’s in cadence

Station 2 – Deacon:

Find a partner

One partner runs to Pizza Hut and back while the other does a series of exercises until the team does merkins (100x), Squats (200x), LBCs (300x).

  • Partner Drills (Round 1) – Partner Big Boy Sit Ups (15x for 2 rounds), Partners Push Ups (15x for 2 rounds), Partner Leg Lifts (15x for 2 rounds)
  • Partner Drills (Round 2 if time permits) – Partner Wheel Barrels to each side of the parking lot (2x for 2 rounds), Partner Ski Jumps (15x for 2 rounds)

Station 3 – Homebrew:

4 Corners and Burpee Roll

PAX were divided into four groups, with one group being sent to each corner. Complete all exercises listed at your corner then bear crawl to the center. At the center was a large foam die. One PAX would roll the die for the group to determine how may burpees everyone would do. Amazingly, only one 6 was rolled all morning – I’m lookin at you IceT. Once the burpees were completed, crab walk from the center to the next corner going clockwise. Rinse and repeat until all corners are done or time runs out.

  • Corner 1
    • 40 SSH
    • 40 Plank Jacks
    • 40 Mountain Climbers
    • 20 Crab Cakes
  • Corner 2
    • 15 Merkins
    • 30 CDD
    • 15 Wide Arm Merkins
    • 5 Kraken Burpees
  • Corner 3
    • 10 Donkey Kicks
    • 50 Calf Raises
    • 40 Monkey Humpers
    • 20 Lunges
  • Corner 4
    • 10 Big Boy Situps
    • 20 Hello Dollys
    • 30 Dying Cockroaches (double count)
    • 10 Boxcutters

There were prayer requests for family, school returning and those with health needs.

Cakeboss took us out in prayer.

Great job, Homebrew, Deacon, & Jiffy!

– Ginsu

TClap |

Opening Presence at the Coop

It was a special morning the Coop this morning because the rain moved out and left a nice humid sometimes breezy morning in the gloom.  15 men joined us this morning and Shinguard started out with the mosey, warm up and Jacobs Ladder

The Message:

Moving from Impact to Presence really isn’t that different because the two ideas are only a couple degrees of separation from one another. This morning we talked about being present with God, with yourself and with your family.  Understanding that we can only experience God in the present, we have to be aware of where our mind is and be present with ourselves and finally be present with our families and understand their needs and serve them where they are not where we want them to be.


Shinguard moseyed us out of the disclaimer toward the band parking lot with some butt kickers, high knees and karaoke along the way.

Circle up in the parking lot for some COP with the following:

  • SSH x 30, Merkins x20, Squats x20, Moroccan Night Clubs x30, Peter Parkers x10, Parker Peters x 12

Mosey to the lower parking lot for Jacobs Ladder between the two light posts.

  • 7 Burpees at the bottom and 1 squat at the top (working down to one and up to 7 with each lap)

Then Chicken Hawk took the reins and took us back to the band parking lot for some sprints.

  • 10, 20, 30 yard suicides
  • 30, 20, 10 yard suicides
  • 100 yard 50%; 100 yard 100%
  • Bear Crawl 5 – 1 CCD, 5 more 2CCD, etc up to 50 yards and 10 CCD

Mosey to Bermuda Triangle in front of the school

  • Round 1: 20 Merkin, 20 Squat, 20 LBC with Bear Crawls in between
  • Round 2: 20 Wide Arm Merkins, 20 Jump Squats, 20 High Low Flutter
  • Round 3: 20 diamond merkins, 20 Jumping Lunges, 20 Ski Jumps

Short Mosey to the wall

  • Wall Sit while 2×2 plate push down parking lot and back
  • Balls to the wall
  • Finish with Ab Lab.

It was a special morning and I can’t express enough gratitude with being able to post with by 2.0 and lead side by side with him.  Thank you of the Pax that are accepting and encouraging to Shinguard.  This summer is having an impact in my and his life.  Aye!


TClap |

Golden Corral Shovel Flag Hand Off

We had 20 Combined for the Boot Camp  and Ruckers.

Boot Camp Work Out:

Mosey behind shopping center and circle up:

15 Imperial Walkers, 15 Mountain Climbers, 15 Wind Mills, 15 Peter Parkers, 15 Parker Peters, 10 Merkins and 15 CDD

Mosey to hill:

On Guard Rail do 14s: 13 Derkins and 1 Dip; 12 Derkins and 2 Dips…………..to 1 Derkin and 13 Dips

Mosey to Hill:  Backwards halfway  up hill then run forward- 20 Sumo Squats down the hill then alternating lunges until the 6 is in and then 10 in cadence as a gaggle.  Rinse and repeat x2.

Mosey to roundabout and lunge walk to entrance of the shopping center.

Mosey to parking lot: Backward run to first island then turn and forward run at end of parking lot do 25 CDD then run back….incline merkins until 6 is in then 10 as a gaggle in cadence.

Mosey to COT

It has been an honor to serve as the site Q.  Over the last couple of years I have seen a lot of faces come through and all are better for it.  I am excited to have my good friend Falcon Crest take over and you will see me there on a regular basis.

Remember that the next step is to get involved in volunteering in our area.  Children’s attention home and paradise both need volunteers.  Make the next step in leadership and you will not regret it.  Falcon Crest is a man doing that not just within F3 but also at CAH.  Thank you buddy!

TClap |

Bing- GQ in The Fort – Alcatraz AO

Reposting with Link to Bing’s BB from F3 Suncoast.

Bing- GQ in The Fort – Alcatraz AO


Weather – upper 60s- with a chill in the air for this Floridian!

As the pax began to roll into the AO, including a number of them who chose to take a pre-run, YHC was giddy with excitement.  It felt like good old times with so many familiar faces!

As the clock struck 6:30, the disclaimer was shared along with the 5 core principles  and off we went for a mozi around the park.  Mozi included butt kickers, high knees, Carioca x2 and a quick pace to finish the run.  Without hesitation, it was time to hit the dewy fresh cut grass for COP.

COP was delivered in a speed round, where the Q calls out an exercise and is immediately followed by the first Pax member calling out SSH x10 IC.  The COP went as follows:

  • Merkins x10IC
  • SSH x10IC
  • Windmills x10IC
  • SSH x10IC
  • Imperial Walkers x10IC
  • SSH x10IC
  • Mountain Climbers x10IC
  • SSH x10IC
  • Peter Parkers x10IC
  • SSH x10IC

It was time to get to business.  The intent of the beatdown was to share some of the Pax favorites from my new  region, F3 Suncoast. First up was, FUN WITH ANIMALS.  Cones were set up roughly 15 feet from the starting point and the pax had to do the following mode of transportation x2:

  • Bear Crawl
  • Duck Walk
  • Crab Walk
  • Crawl Bear
  • Frog Hop
  • It was obvious that the pax was having such a great time, we rinsed and repeated, with only 1 time each the second round.

After we had enough fun with animals, a quick mozi was done and the pax ended up at the bottom of the hill on Tara Tea Drive for a round of Jacobs Ladder.  Run up to the top of the hill for 1 Burpee, run back down and immediately return to the top for 2 burpess.  Rinse and repeat until you have done 7 burpees.  Plank at the top until the entire pax is complete.  This was no easy feat for this Floridian flatlander, but clearly was a crowd favorite.

After the six was in, it was time for some Mike Tysons along the curb.  Due to the size of the Pax, half of the group ran laps until the first group was done doing Mike Tysons x10.  We did two rounds and it was back to the fields of Alcatraz for the grande finale…and grand it was.

Ripken Suicides

As done at any Ripken Q at F3 Suncoast, it was time for Ripken Suicides (or as Longshanks called them initially – Cupcakes because Suicides isn’t sensitive enough).  The pax had 1 minute to complete a full round of suicides, with the next round starting after the first minute.  The faster you get done, the most rest.  This is done for 10 rounds, as long as you are able to get the suicides done in 60 seconds.  There wasn’t a lot of love shown for Ripken after this finale!  Thanks Ripken!!

With 3 minutes remaining, it was time for a quick round of mary including LBCs, Protractor and one other.

Round of Mary


The MoleSkin:

YHC encouraged the pax to not hestitate to disrupt their status quo.  To make sure they are not remaining in their comfort zone.  Roughly 2 years ago today, the Kelly family entirely disrupted their status quo, having no idea why the chose to leave such a great community, pax and soccer family to head to a place where we knew NO ONE.  Not long after arriving in Florida, the status quo was disrupted AGAIN with YHC taking an entirely new job and quitting the one he moved to Florida for initially.  This opportunity has been a true blessing as YHC no longer travels for work and is home with the family and available to apply more time to launching a new region for F3.  The Pax of F3 The Fort and surrounding areas have been instrumental in disrupting the lives of over 225 men in the Sarasota area, as it was because of them YHC had the confidence to move and then start a new region.  I am honored and humbled to be a part of F3 The Fort and to give away all that I have gained to my new region in F3 Suncoast.


  • For Cable Guy and his family
  • James, friend of YHC battling cancer for the 3rd time at 9 years old
  • Many other prayer requests spoken


  • Coffeeteria at Panera Bread – Thanks for hanging out, I had a great time
  • CAH – Join us
  • Welcome to Skyline – You did a great job in a not so friendly FNG beatdown!
  • Wow, I am really bad at all of the announcements as I am not with this pax daily!

Thank you for this great opportunity and I look forward to seeing everyone on Monday at Honey Badger.

Aye – Bing

TClap |