Form Matters…And So Does A Belly Button

I put the pre-blast out a few days ago saying this edition of Slow Burn would be a bit different. No speed work this time, it’s all about good form and controlling the core. The core is essential to balance, stability and strength. You don’t need to do 1000 LBC’s, its different than that. We welcomed a man that was an FNG but is now known as Body Glove (San Diego transplant) which is an EH from Router. We disclaimed and explained F3 then got into why today would be different.

So, why does the title include “belly button.” Here’s why…

  1. Not worried about speed today because for today’s workout, if you go fast you’re likely doing it wrong. We’re going to focus on form and the education of good (or better) form.
  2.  A (long) statement on the importance of your CORE. Using F3’s 5 CORE principles as a foundation for the importance of a strong core, I explained the benefits of having a strong(er) physical core.

Warm Up jog to the long wall on the opposite side of Lowe’s and create some space between you and your chair-sitting neighbor. The explanation of “Tighten Your Core” is to try to move your belly button back to your spine while tucking it down into your pelvis. If you’re not used to this, it feels unnatural until your core strengthens then you realize the stability and strength benefits. So whenever we’d say Core or Tighten Your Core or Tighten Up, this is what we’re meaning…Tuck It In.

While TIGHT and in the people’s chair, we did Overhead Claps

Then fall forward into a plank with your hands on the parking space stops for Slow Mountain Climbers aiming to get your knees up to your elbows.

Back to sitting against the wall and doing Moroccan Night Clubs.

Back to the Slow Mountain Climbers.

Run to the car mechanic’s lot for a little more core/form explanation and having Walker in attendance was awesome. Talk about applicable Pro-Tips, he nailed it.

COP for 12ct exercises: 4 down, 4 hold at the bottom, 4 up

12ct Merkins, 12ct Planking Calf Raise (4 up to toes extended, 4 squeeze in that position, 4 coming back to starting position), 12ct Sumo Squats

Mak Tar Jah’s

Peter Parkers (slow, knees up as far as you can)


Parker Peters (slow, knees as close to opposite elbow as you can)

8ct Burpees: My biggest learning of the day was that for a true burpee, you squat down first then pop into the plank. Don’t bend at the waist and essentially fall down to the plank. Look out for my next Q for a lesson on this…thank you Walker.

Minnesota Mike Tysons: Why Minnesota? No good reason other than that is what they called them in MN when I was there earlier this week. Explanation, get in a plank with your toes on the ground and the soles of your feet against a curb or wall (curb in our case today). Squat back against the curb like you’re getting ready to shoot out of a cannon, return back to the plank position, then perform a controlled merkin. That is 1.

A few slow lunges…COT.

Be intentional on your form, don’t go through the motions. You’re only hurting yourself and those around you. Welcome Body Glove!! Thanks Hootie.

Until Next Time,


TClap |

Leg Day

18 #HIM’s chose to avoid the fartsack on a mild Thursday morning.  YHC called his own number and brought out a PAX favorite from the past and, thanks to the efforts of Esso, a FNG joined us for the festivities.  After disclaimers were placed, a welcome given to the FNG and a brief description of what F3 is, we moseyed off through a few parking lots to COP…..but just a few.

COP – YHC was reminded through various events of this week what makes F3 what it is.  In light of those experiences, it seemed appropriate after 20 MNC’s in cadence to hold the pose and go around the circle of #HIMs with each taking a few moments to talk about who brought them into F3 and what keeps them coming back.  After a lengthy hold, we proceeded to do 10 more MNC’s in cadence…..just because.  Then we did the following:

Imperial Walkers x 15 (I/C)

SSH X 30 (I/C – varying speeds)

Merkins X 15 (I/C)

Staying in the plank, moving to Mountain Climbers X 10 (I/C)

Hold the plank – right arm high and left arm high, regular holds, and 6 inch hold with Stang administering a dubious 10 count, YHC’s interpretation of its duration was called into question and, as a result, excessive mumble chatter by the PAX threw YHC off.  Therefore, penalty burpees were called.  After which……

Low Slow Squats X 15

Mosey to the Main Event

Main event – YHC’s first Q at Laces In seemed to provoke not so subtle comments from various PAX – some of whom were in attendance this morning.  Only appropriate to call a Jacob’s Ladder consisting of Burpees at the Bottom, Carolina Dry Docks at the top (2nd lightpole up the hill toward Munn Road), and lunge walking to get there (Mosey back down to bottom after each sequence).   All exercises added up to 10 since 10 PAX were present – 9 burpees, lunge walk two poles, 1 CDD, mosey back down, 8 burpees, lunge walk, 2 CDD, mosey down, you get the idea.

10 additional burpees were called at the end…..just because.  In addition, planks or Al Gores were held until the 6 was in.  The main event (always popular) took us until 5:53 so time to mosey back to COT for a little Mary:

American Hammers X 15 (I/C)

Protractor (varying degrees with holds of varying lengths of time)

Rosalitas X 10 (I/C) – YHC was not so subtly reminded of the proper angle from which this should be done – thanks was given to the PAX for keeping YHC in line.

Boxcutters  X 10 (I/C)

Body Destroyer for 40 seconds and we put a wrap on things for the morning.

Welcome FNG – Heathcliff and T-Claps to Esso for the EH.

Announcements – Read your newsletter, Custom Ruck event 5-4-19 and Travis Mannion W/O at WEP on 4-27-19.

Prayers – for families, those traveling for the spring break holiday and prayers to remember the true reason for celebration of the Easter weekend and what it should mean to all of us.

Honored to Serve,


TClap |

Philly Inspired Psy-Ops CSPAN at the Coop

34 was the count at the coop and it was a great morning at the Coop with the temperatures near perfect and a special guest visit by Grand-Tan, CSPAN himself.  It was great to catch up with a #HIM and for his presence in the PAX.  But you can’t have  Grand-Tan return without a little engagement in the routine.  CSPAN honored us with his slightly angry, Philly version of a warm up.  The good news is that the PAX was angry at him and not me.
Prayers for Shady and his spill on the sprint back to COT and subsequent trip to the MD.  Grateful for Dirty Harry and his field ops specialty and coolness under pressure.  The highlight of the morning was watching guys step ups and do their part when another brother was in need.  That my friends is F3!
Message: Be Still
  • Where does your mind go in the stillness?
  • Regrets for the past, fears of the future, how many of us were thankful for the moment, how often do we use stillness in the moment to experience God’s voice and direction … I don’t do being still well because my mind constantly has chatter.
  • Be Still- observe the mind – become conscious to what is going on in your mind – results in your ability to be present and to own the thoughts in your mind
Warm up/ COP – CSPAN  maybe I will just summarize it at as a Nascar like (right turns though) sprints with up/downs with flutters, and more flutters and a few more flutters and then some flutters.  I think that covers it.
Mosey to band parking lot:
Suicide Sprints: 10/20/30
  • 50% sprint
  • Karaoke
  • Side shuffle
  • Full length full speed
  • Power Skips back
Rugby Sprints to the 50 and walk it back
  • SSH
  • Merkins
  • Mule Kicks
  • Flying Squirrels
Every 5 to the 50
  • Bear crawl 5 yards then 5 CCD increments sprint to the end
  • Burpee Broad jumps 5 yards then 5 merkins
Wall sits with burpees
2 minutes of MARY
Prayers for Shady’s recovery and quick return. Prayers for Bailey (CSPAN’s daughter) and the birth of their son today at 12:30. Many unspoken prayers known and unknown are put at the foot of the cross and we ask that the Lord tends to them according to his Will.
TClap |

The Hive: Kettlebells, rain, tabata. What could go wrong?

0505 show up to the hive for prep. Layout cones and other various gear needed.
0510 see cars and trucks and more cars and trucks pulling into parking lot.
0514 Disclaimer and see another truck pull in (its Stang, we start to mosey for warm ups.)
0515 Warmups of various types.
0522 Start a Tabata that has to called out by Q due to speaker not working. ended up being great. I love mumble chatter and it was rolling good this moist morning.
8 stations- 2-3 PAX per station they went as follows.
Goblet Squats
Figure 8s
Shoulder presses with rucksack
Jump Rope
Alternating bicep curls
American Hammers
1 arm KB swings
Alternating hand on KB merkins
0600- Mosey with gear back to COT. The rain really started to pour down.
Prayers and Praises.
AkA- if you don’t know you better ask somebody.
Q Source
prayers for marriages and kids.

TClap |

#HillWork at the Abyss

I gave the Pax a warning the night before on twitter about the workout. We were going to celebrate 3 crazy years of F3 with some old school #HillWork. And Hill work we did, a lot of it.

5:15 hit and it was time to go. We had 20 Pax ready to get going.

We took a short mosey around the property and circled up in the back of the school for the warm-up:

  • SSH x25
  • 5 Burpees
  • Moroccan NC x30
  • 4 Burpees
  • Imperial Walkers X15
  • 3 Burpees
  • Low Slow Squat x10
  • 2 Burpees
  • Hillbilly Walkers x15
  • 1 Burpee
  • Mountain Climbers
  • 2 Burpees
  • Plank Jacks x10
  • 3 Burpees
  • Wind Mills
  • 4 Burpees
  • Potato Pickers
  • 5 Burpees

From there we moseyed to the bottom of the hill across from the school for the #HillWork:

2 Squat Jumps
2 Plank w\ Hip Touch
2 Merkins
2 Froggers
2 Squat Jumps

Run Hill 4 times.

4 Squat Jumps
4 Plank w\ Hip Touch
4 Merkins
4 Froggers
4 Squat jumps

Run Hill 3 times.

6 Squat Jumps
6 Plank w\ Hip Touch
6 Merkins
6 Froggers
6 Squat jumps

Run Hill 2 times.

8 Squat Jumps
8 Plank w\ Hip Touch
8 Merkins
8 Froggers
8 Squat jumps

Run Hill 1 time.

10 Squat Jumps
10 Plank w\ Hip Touch
10 Merkins
10 Froggers
10 Squat jumps

Quick 10 count and then:

  • 5 Burpees
  • 4 Backwards Hill Runs (THIS WAS PAINFUL)
  • 7 Burpees
  • 2 Backwards Hill Runs
  • 9 Burpees
  • 1 Backwards Hill Runs
  • 11 Burpees

2 Quick 10 counts and I gave the Pax the choice of more hills or something else. They picked hills (Choose the harder thing) and we did:

  • 10 push-ups, 10 squat jumps, 4 Bear Crawl up Hill/Run Down
  • 14 push-ups, 14 squat jumps, 2 Backwards Run up Hill/Run Down
  • 18 push-ups, 18 squat jumps, 1 Backwards Run up Hill/Run Down
  • 10 CCDs, 10 Bomb Jacks, 4 Run up Hill/Run Down
  • 14 CCDs, 14 Bomb Jacks, 2 Run up Hill/Run Down
  • 18 CCDS, 18 Bomb Jacks, 3 Run up Hill/Run Down

We ended with a fairly brisk Indian Run back to COT.

Thanks to all the Pax for showing up despite the warning of #HIllWork. I appreciate all the support and look forward to another 3 years.

Now back to the hunt…

TClap |

Breaking Patterns

What a great morning for a run. Low 50’s, no wind and 20 PAX for a post P200 Monday. Up in the rotation today was the newest member of the Flight Plan plans, “Loops of Choice.” They include a 2.5 mile loop that goes over the walking trail at the end of YMCA parking lot, out 6th Baxter, up Sutton and back to Starbucks. And a 1.5 mile loop that goes down market, comes up Sutton and back to Starbucks. Modify as necessary, find a running buddy, have some fellowship, attend COT, check the box.

Flight Plan is an AO that’s predictable. Because of safety, we stay on the north side of 77. We have 4 routes and run each one, once per month. Today’s route emphasizes, (maybe represents is a better word) those circles we find ourselves in. Don’t get me wrong, the workout is beneficial. And I love the sense of accomplishment of conquering the long climb up Sutton (twice) in the gloom. However, the round and round is indicative of what can become of us as men.

But F3 is there to break those patterns. In COT we were reminded of that by two very strong PAX. Pusher (along w/ Twister & Change Order) who has taken the monumental task of leading Q-source. The weekly study of how this group can shape lives, of not just ourselves, but our families and community. If you’re not involved, you’re missing out. If you’ve been going, you know what I’m talking about. The added support outside of fellowship of the gloom, is great.

The other PAX is Stang. What happens when something throws us off these loops we find so comfortable. Something devastating or tragic.  Or what if we struggle just to stay upright on the loops but don’t feel like we can tell anyone so we use other outlets to hide the burden?  Stang is going to lead the discussion on these topics Wednesday at The Tomahawk (Doby’s Bridge Elementary – Kettle Bell). The last 15 minutes of the workout will be a stretching session with discussion on these heavy topics. Things we need to be able to share and discuss if we are going to be the leaders we need to be.

It’s great to see these HIMs pushing us past the 1st F.


  • See Above
  • Cristina Latini Memorial 8K – Saturday March 30th – Clown Cars leaving Baxter Starbucks at 7:00 for Huntersville or Virtual run 6:30 at Alcatraz
  • Cake Boss 40 Day Challenge – On going

Prayers and Praises

  • Rebel’s daughter getting her first real job
  • The safe return of all the PAX who ran the P200

Welcome FNG – Seuss! (EH’d by Cake Boss)

See you in the gloom!



TClap |

Block Party of 11 no make that 13

Disclaimer while a couple of guys slid into parking lot. Must have been one of those mornings Guys either forgetting what time we start, or where we meet on certain days but all good cause they made it.
Warm up- Butt kickers, high knees, toy soldiers, and knees to chest.
Circle up- 15 SSH, 10 Cherry pickers, 10 windmills, 10 Moroccan nightclubs, 10 mtn. climbers, 10 CDDs.
Take off on sprint to track at each drill bit we perform 10 of the following merkins, squats, bomb jacks. Sprint to next drill bit until we hit 5 by the playground.
Go onto playground 5 pull-ups 5 CDDs work your way down to 1.
Mosey to low walls down the block when 6 is in we complete the following 10 box jumps, 10 Merkins work your way down to 1 of each.
Mosey to hill Lunge walk 4 steps then 1 burpee all the way up the hill until you reach the parking lot.
At parking lot count off by 2s for DORA 1,2,3
P1 10 merkins while P2 holds plank switch at every 10.
P1 20 squats while P2 holds leg lift at 6 inches switch every 20
P1 30 LBCs while P2 holds AL Gore switch at every 30.

Jail Break back to COT.

Announcements- Look out for preblast for Chicken Hawk doing 8 week study on you giving God your attention.
MAR 27- Cornerstone and Stang dividing and conquering 2 AOS to address mental Awareness.
40 day challenge get hooked up on Slack.

Prayers- Water bug on his passing be with his family

Praise on JAVA be back out after layoff.

TClap |

Being Vulnerable is not a sign of weakness but a sign of strength

P.S.A attendance is highly recommended. March 27th mark your calendars. F3 St. Louis very own Miyagi and Aerobie has brought light to a sensitive subject that’s right Suicide-mental health awareness. A subject we try and avoid talking about at all or till it’s to late. YHC will be on Q at the Panethon if you can’t make it to the west side of town Stang is on Q at Tomahawk and will also discussing the subject.

I am encouraging you to step up and share your experience. Whether it be about yourself or family member or even a friend. YHC will testify how this subject has effected my life. Please remember what we talk about in COT stays in COT it’s okay to be vulnerable. We are stronger together rather than alone.

Don’t be ashamed of your story it will inspire others. Author Unknown

“You don’t have to control your thoughts. You just have to stop letting them control you.”

”I hide all my scars with an I’m fine.”

The bravest thing I ever did was continuing my life when I wanted to die. – Juliette Lewis

The world is a better place with you in it.

Suicide doesn’t end the chances of life getting worse, it eliminates the possibility of it ever getting any better. – unknown

TClap |

Tinsel’s Birthday month pain fest starts at the swamp

I had the opportunity to sub for Sasquatch, we had 4 bootcampers, 4 ruckers and 6 runners.

I kindly asked the ruckers to join the BC but they declined the invitation to our pain fest.

After a quick disclaimer, Mile High, Cha Ching, Copyright and YHC moseyed for about 1/3 of a mile and did the warm up:

Side straddle hops, windmills, moroccan night clubs,  low slow squats and some cherry pickers.

Following the warm up we moseyed to the stairs next to the back of Just Fresh where some props had been dropped earlier, we started the following with a run up and down the stairs after completion of one circuit:

8 Carolina Dry Docks

8 man makers w/block or weights

8 sledgehammer swing each side

8 worst merkin ever W-R-D

8 touch ground squat

8 biceps curls w/block or weights

8 shoulder tap each side

2 tire flips

After 3 circuits we took a “break” and run around the block were Omega sports used to be to comeback to the stairs and props for 2 more rounds of pain.

With 3 minutes in we found a grassy area for some superhero workout: supermans and the famous Captain Thor, lots of mumble chatter here, one PAX commented that it was the hardest mary he has ever donebut never gave up.

With two minutes to spare we run back to COT to meet the runners and ruckers.

We finished up with announcements, prayers and praises.

Great work by everyone!!

Tinsel out… until the next day


TClap |

VD Boot Camp at Footloose

An extra special Valentines Day boot camp written, produced and Q’d by YHC

Total of 19 PAX , several of whom ran

Warm Up

LSS, SSH and High Step Marching!

The PAX moseyed to a church parking lot to work through some very bad Valentines Day poetry.  Two groups were formed with two groups of exercises  separated by 1) power skips, because you make my heart skip and 2) the stairway to heaven between all of the following stations.

  • Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, Plank Punches I’ll do for you . . . Round one – 20, Round two – 30
  • Together we reach for the STARS . . Round one – 15 Bombjacks, Round two – 20 Bombjacks
  • When I hear your voice . . . I sit up and listen – Round One – 20 BBSU, Round Two – 30 BBSU
  • Together we climb every mountain . . Round one – 20 MC, Round two – 30 MC
  • My tummy goes tight when I think if you  . . . crunches Round one – 20 Round two – 30
  • You are  my Super Girl . . . Round ONe – 25 Superman Claps, Round two – 30 Superman claps

All this followed by a tunnel of love courtesy Dungaree, AKA Jack Jones

The PAX then moseyed up and back to 160

We  closed with :10 of Mary, in rhyme!

Awesome work by all the PAX


The moleskin:  Mathew 6:34

TClap |